favorite movie thread

best movie rock-n-rolla ,snatch , pulp fiction , spun , half baked , dont b a mennace , alot more holy hell i never really thought about it
All sick ass movies...





shuan of the dead, Black sheep (not the chris farley movie), Black devil doll, Dead Snow, Pinapple express, Evil Dead, Army of Darkness

and the most epic movie of all time MARTYRS its a french horror movie but its by far the most fucked up movie ever made the director is now making the new hell raiser movie. I belive you can now get a dubbed version at blockbuster. If you like horror movies you have to see this.

the link to martyrs

link to black sheep
Shawshank Redemtion was an awesome movie!!! it makes it in on my list probably at #5. Troy is probably around #8 for me
my top 5:

5. Shawshank Redemption
4. Grandmas Boy
3. The Dark Knight
2. Goodfellas
1. Detroit Rock City

I could watch Detroit Rock City all day every day til i die and not get sick of it.





These are just a few that I remeber off the top of my head. The Sly Stallone movie Driven is a fav because they take the cars out of a promo party and race in the streets. There was also great slow mo capture of what it might be like racing F1 in the rain in Driven.
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this is a great thread..... now i know who to not pay attention to when reading posts..
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