F**ked up...

Wolf Haley

Grip & Sip
[ame="http://www.worldstarhiphop.com/videos/video.php?v=wshhpSUz0oNPSzF5mM8p"]Video: Some Ppl Are Just Plain Sick: Uncovering Child Sacrifice In Uganda![/ame]
Lol what the fuck???

So the police don't give a flying fuck?

Those are some poor ass uneducated fucks

I pity those kids
Cutting their dicks off? Seriously who comes up with this shit? Oh yeah probably the same fucktard who says if you sacrifice yourself for a "religion", you will get 70 virgins in the afterlife.
Actually in many parts of Africa where kids get tortured or burned by their parents because they think they are witches, its because of evangelical preachers.....in some cases those "witchhunts" are even worse than the above video: burning their own kids with battery acid, driving nails into their head, setting them on fire....not a stranger...their own fucking parents.
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Actually in many parts of Africa where kids get tortured or burned by their parents because they think they are witches, its because of evangelical preachers.....

I wouldn't be surprised. Seriously, fucking fuck radical religion.
You say evangelical preachers, yet there are some that go to the extremely remote parts of the South American Jungles to lost tribes (or so thought) and evangelize to them and you do not get this result. Dont throw some random answer out there trying to cover the majority with one reason only. The famous model Iman from Africa had her genitals sewed shut because of a tribe ritual. Do not think that it is because of some evangelical missionary that caused this. If they are teaching some radicalized teaching from the good book, than it is wrong period...
So like, I'm gonna fly down there, find me a witch doctor, make him watch me cut his dick off, and gag it in his mouth while I shove a goats head up his butt.
*stalks for 5 days*
* Sets up .50 cal in remote mountain 2.1km away*
*Wait for for right before Evangelist/ Witch doctor performs sacrifice*
*Compensate 1 mil for Bullet drop*


*Waits 2.406 ....................................*

*Pink Mist*

That's pretty ignorant.

Cutting their dicks off? Seriously who comes up with this shit? Oh yeah probably the same fucktard who says if you sacrifice yourself for a "religion", you will get 70 virgins in the afterlife.
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