F**k Bank Of America!!!!!!

LowRisksCC MA47

Wrong wheel parked.
B-o-A Lost 50 million because they fuck their customers. ADD TO THIS NUMBER MAKE THEM PAY FOR IT.

Congress battles credit card companies because of intrest rates.
Bank of America got me locked in at 10%, then bumped me to 16% one month after. Then after all the 2005 hurricanes decided it would be nice to fuck me at a consistant 32.5% there after. After paying 6 months on time, and perfect....they fucked me once again by only dropping to 24%. Now im back up to 32.5% because they tell you a due date, but even if you pay one day before the date....your still late. Automatic default HELLLLO 32.5%! :mad:
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i dnt hget it...they closed acounts??....im tipsy and tired maybed ill get it tomoro...night
No. Bank Of America had an innocent man arrested. He suspected it was a fake check, took it to the bank and told the teller that I may be a fake check and to please look into it before they cashed it. It was a fake check, and BOA had him arrested. It ended up costing him 14,500 to clear his name. He asked BOA for reienbursment...and they basicly said... LOLZ fuck you. So now to date, ex Bank Of America customers have said LOLZ fuck yous and closed their accounts totalling 50 million dollars....and its growing. BOA lost my account a very long time ago for the bullshit games they play.

If you have Bank Of America I suggest you close your account and find a new bank, if they haven't started the games yet.....they will. The newest game I have figured out is this. They tell you that your account payment is due on this date....what they do is this, it takes them two days to "process" your payment no matter how it is made, so when you pay on or a day before the date....guess what. Boom fucked, hello default intrest rate of 32.5% :mad:

Fuck BOA close you accounts.
and this is why i have Suntrust =). Bank Of America/Bank Atlantic(ok)/Washington Mutual/1st National Bank are wack.

Wachovia/Citibank/Metro banks are better.
i've had BOA for awhile, no complaints yet. They did give me a $1500 CC my first year in college...that I'm STILL paying off.
Banks run this country and will do as they please......banks and there money and the money they have run this place....the government has no control...as much as we would like to think they do, they dont.
Citibank ftmfw. i don't pay anything for having an account and they treat you like a normal person. Overdraw on your account... its ok just expalin yourself real good to the customer service people and they knock it right off. ive been with them for 4 years no complaints
fu*k banks stash your cash in your mattress. BOA made me buy 2 $35 hamburgers from mcdonalds overdrew the first time by 3 cents and i bought another with out knowing i was over drawn. i say a big F U to BOA
they should at least lock the account if you overdraw
slidewayz240sx said:
Banks run this country and will do as they please......banks and there money and the money they have run this place....the government has no control...as much as we would like to think they do, they dont.

no jews run this country it just so happens they work for banks
CLOSED MINE around a month ago, they sure do suck!! Went to WAMU, not much better numbers wise, but customer service is more down to earth! B.O.A, you gotta be a billionaire to be treated right in those places!! I'm so GLAD that there getting F'ed right now! They can suck my right nut for all the money they've taken from me!!

if anyone wants to contact me i can come sit down and have a talk with you i can revise your policys and give you a complimentary financial analysis. im a Primerica rep ude be surprised how banks fuck u right in your face
My bank doesnt charge me shit. Intrest on my loan is super low. Florida Aircraft Union.
FlyinFINN said:
My bank doesnt charge me shit. Intrest on my loan is super low. Florida Aircraft Union.

ude be surprised of all the lil hidden bs fees we find in ppls shit its funny
jdmnismo300 said:
ude be surprised of all the lil hidden bs fees we find in ppls shit its funny

I keep a whole record of every little thing that happens in my account and nothing. And my dad has been with them for 10's of years and nothing. It's only for people and families that are affiliated with like Pratt and Whitney and making space ships and Planes.
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