eletric fans


hey guys wanted to know from what nissan car or other car i could use the eletric dual fans on my single cam s13 that would fit perfect on my stock radiator
yes you could but i would run a temp control and a two relays, also the altime fans are dual speed so do more searching on wiring on freshalloy.com they have a great diagram 4 thos fans.
Altima fans work good. I would suggest you find a temp switch that fits your radiator so when you hit a certain temp like 170-180 degrees F the fan turn on. And a relay wired to give power only when you have the ignition "ON." That way, the fan wont drain the Battery if you ever forget to turn the fan off or anything.
how much of a bitch is it to do this?

ive been wanting to do this for a while to get rid of the annoying UPS truck sound my annoying clutch fan makes all the time
its not hard as long as you take your time i wired mine up right before i left for coutnyline and something wasnt right shit caught on fire LMAO
yo ill install the altima fans for any1 for 20 bucks let me kno i have them on my both my cars my s13 an s14 so let me kno pm me for more information
altima fans= FTW

if anybody wants to check out how i wired mine i should be at countyline on wednesday

i have my fans kick on at 205* and in less than 1 min it brings the temp down to around 180 or 185
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