Drifting the 2JZ Powered Rogue Status Scion XB [VIDEO]

this car sux and was a waste of money looks like he is in 2nd gear the whole time barely able to power through 3rd....wtf who convinces these sponsors with soo much money to build such a piece of shit...fuck all i need is like 10 grand and im good to compete in any series for a year

yea that wasn't entertaining. "custom cutouts and stuff", w/e d-bag. 1/4 mill i could have a sweet ass crib not a janked out ugly not so great handling car. sad.
so if i put a 2JZ in the toaster on my counter can i do this too?

but really 1/4 million? was that the drug money spent to fund the design process of converting a toaster to a rwd car/box/money pit?
this car sux and was a waste of money looks like he is in 2nd gear the whole time barely able to power through 3rd....wtf who convinces these sponsors with soo much money to build such a piece of shit...fuck all i need is like 10 grand and im good to compete in any series for a year

Or more, if you need to overnight parts from Japan.
shit with less then 10 grand I could make my car drift all year long, what a waist of everything. Must be a front for laundering drug money
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