Drift & Drag Oct 2nd

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When: Oct 2
Time: 7pm-Midnight (get there early for Tech)
Who: YOU!
Cost: 10 bucks to enter, 25 to drive (i.e. spectators are 10 bucks, drivers are 35)

The first event was a great success, plenty of cars, a great course and most important plenty of drive time.

Tech requirements can be found http://cfracingcomplex.com/drifting/drifting-rules

Tandem is allowed, you must have a full cage with door bars and be "Ok'd" to be allowed on track with another car.

There will be a tire changer there.

If you have any questions please reply here or PM me.

To stay current with track events please sign up for the newsletter http://cfracingcomplex.com (right side of page)

Sorry for the late posting. I have been out of town and out of the loop. Please show up to support the event.
I guess common sense isn't a requirement on SFL.

It says the name right in the damn link.

It's CFRC.
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