Dr. Dooms


well, i know i went to jail and all,but i was supposed to pick up that aero that paypal'd you for... then unfortunately, got locked up for 5 months...

i get out, about three weeks ago, and start asking about a where the aero is, or a refund, or something... i know $200 isn't much for whole body kit, but i'm not really in the habit of giving $200 away to random people...

i've tried numerous times to contact you/him, with no responses...

here's a brief history of PMs/Messages...

09-22-2010 03:09 AM
fresh outta jail, i need to clear my thread up.... unlock it pls... also, any word on that aero? lolol

2nd messege...

just got out of jail, still got that areo for me? lol, or maybe a refund if you've sold it? i've been locked up for the last 5 months, shit bloooows

09-22-2010 08:14 AM
WTF happened? And I'm on my phone now so I will when I get home

i'll do a big big fill in when i can post in my thread... gonna have to do damage control on here and TR... ugh....

6 days later....

09-29-2010 08:11 PM
how much cash for the skyline? also your thread is back open now

09-29-2010 08:11 PM
right now it's on an offer basis, not a real set price... people make the offer, they get a yes or a no.. simple as that... you still got that aero btw?

6 days later....

10-05-2010 08:44 PM
so I'm assuming i just kinda gave away $200 huh?

8 days later...

still nothing? no word?

Dr. Dooms Dr. Dooms is offline

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i know he's/you're on and checking on the forums... if i lost out $200, just let me know. it'd be kind of a doucher move, but w/e

figured I'd waited long enough to say something with many attempts at communication....
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You said you were going to pick it up every weekend for like a month and when it would come the time for you to pick it up I wouldn't be able to get ahold of you, and to be honest I don't have the money now
regardless man he paid ...but you did wait a long time . if what dooms says is true about that you said you will pick it up for time to time and then eventually got locked up thats on you...both partys are thumbs down lol
sucks you were in jail for 5months, but i do remember adam trying to contact someone who would hold the aero for you/him, because of the room it was taking up... 5 mmonths is a long ass time, and im pretty sure a lot of people would have sold it too... (kinda like a mechanics lean no?) anyway i hope that you guys somehow work this out, money troubles always suck especially amongst guys within the same community but it happens. adam is a cool dude and wouldnt just fuck you like that... i honestly probably would have done the same! (gotta remember nobody knew how long you were going in for)
I heard the story. It's you own fault. He had no room for this shit and held onto it forever. Consider it extra court cost/bad father cost. Going to jail with a child is inexcusable. Idc what happened.

I'm not trying to start shit with you Marshall, cause from what I can tell you truly arnt a bad dood, just did some dumb dickhead shit. But honestly, and negative review thread for this, is silly. You fucked up. Deal with it.
You said you were going to pick it up every weekend for like a month and when it would come the time for you to pick it up I wouldn't be able to get ahold of you, and to be honest I don't have the money now

no big hard feelings man... but at least when i wasn't in jail, i was in constant contact about getting down there to get the aero...

i kinda wish there was a 50/50 option instead of thumbs down, as i do understand i went to jail, and was there for a while, shit sucked, trust me, BUT if sold someone something, i'd hang on to it, or something along those lines, at least until i knew what was going on with the guy....

sucks you were in jail for 5months, but i do remember adam trying to contact someone who would hold the aero for you/him, because of the room it was taking up... 5 mmonths is a long ass time, and im pretty sure a lot of people would have sold it too... (kinda like a mechanics lean no?) anyway i hope that you guys somehow work this out, money troubles always suck especially amongst guys within the same community but it happens. adam is a cool dude and wouldnt just fuck you like that... i honestly probably would have done the same! (gotta remember nobody knew how long you were going in for)

not saying he'd fuck me at all... but like a mechanics lein? i thought SFLD was a little more close knit than that, if he'd TOLD me that he'd tried to get someone to hang on to it, but couldn't so had to get rid of it, i'd understand... i know my fate was a mystery, shit, it was to me while i was in there...

I heard the story. It's you own fault. He had no room for this shit and held onto it forever. Consider it extra court cost/bad father cost. Going to jail with a child is inexcusable. Idc what happened.

I'm not trying to start shit with you Marshall, cause from what I can tell you truly arnt a bad dood, just did some dumb dickhead shit. But honestly, and negative review thread for this, is silly. You fucked up. Deal with it.

i agree with everything you said, and my guilt for what i did, and leaving my boy without a father for 5 months is my burden to bear.. at least now this mess is almost over...

i wouldn't have done a review thread if there was some communication about the issue at hand... if he said "sorry bro, after like 4 months, i sold that shit, i don't have the money to refund but if you see anything on any of my FS threads i could hook ya up" THAT would have been cool...

more or less about the lack of communication, after multiple attempts on my part. i like dooms, he's a cool dood, i just wanted to know wtf the was up, nahmeen?

either way, it's w/e i guess...
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Yo, BZ, your a nice and understanding guy, there should be more people like you in this world. But Adam did what he had to do, he can't wait forever to see what's "going on with the guy" who he sold something to, expecting it to be picked up that week.
yeah, but like i said, it'd be nice to hear about the issue from him throughout the numerous times I've asked him...

main reason I'm disgruntled is i asked a bunch, and didn't hear anything back... i understand the 5 month thing, and it's not really even about that, or the areo, the money, just the lack of "oh yeah, about that aero bro......", then followed by the requisite SFLD ghey jokes, abe giving free dirty sanchez mustache rides, anus bleaching, etc etc....
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i kinda agree with bz, cuz obv he asked around thru pms to c wat happened and there was no response at all from adams part....i dont rele think this is a whos fault is it thread, its kinda like a wtf happened to my 200 bux why are u avoiding me thread..... sfldrama.com
wow.. jail or not u shouldve atleast gotten a refund.. 200 bucks would constitute a serious fixin in my book

get it in blood
I heard the story too.
It really goes both ways. You said he was ignoring you blah blah, well you ignored him also. He tried getting ahold of you for weeks, even before you were in jail and you just kept saying you were going to come down and you never did.
He was pretty frustrated, and considering when he found out you were in jail, no one knew for how long or what was going to happen. And having a living room full of aero is annoying, and takes up a lot of space.
I think you should really just cut your losses on this one. A petty $200 is probably nothing in your big scheme of things going on in your life right now, just getting out of jail and all.

Dooms wouldn't fuck anyone over, he's a good guy and this is just silly.
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I heard the story too.
It really goes both ways. You said he was ignoring you blah blah, well you ignored him also. He tried getting ahold of you for weeks, even before you were in jail and you just kept saying you were going to come down and you never did.
He was pretty frustrated, and considering when he found out you were in jail, no one knew for how long or what was going to happen. And having a living room full of aero is annoying, and takes up a lot of space.
I think you should really just cut your losses on this one. A petty $200 is probably nothing in your big scheme of things going on in your life right now, just getting out of jail and all.

Dooms wouldn't fuck anyone over, he's a good guy and this is just silly.

to reiterate what's already been said in regards to what you said...

i did not ignore him (before jail), i was in constant contact, it was just hard finding a way to get the aero home from orlando, i bought the aero, had a truck lined up to haul it, and that fell through, so i was trying to make other arrangements to get it while letting him know what was happening on my end...

i went to jail, he sold aero (i don't really blame him all that much really, i might have done the same).

$200 is nothing in "my big scheme", but $200 IS $200, i don't like just giving out money like that, it's not cool.

i know dooms wouldn't fuck anyone over.

I'm not mad at dooms.

i like dooms, he's a cool guy and hooked it up on the price.

all I'm saying is i would liked to have heard from the horses mouth after asking said horse over 5 times what's up.

FWIW, in real businessland, i bought some ish for the GTR off ebay, like a day before i went to jail, came to my house to be signed for, well, not there to sign for it, so it gets sent back... get out of jail, message said seller, i had to pay shipping again and a week later, i get my "G/T" fender badges... that's usually how something works... you pay for a product, and you get said product... i didn't know SFLD had a statute of limitations.

so, let's cover this again, because reading comprehension seems to elude some of you...


refund would be appreciated, but not expected AS I DON'T REALLY BLAME HIM...

i don't like giving away $200, but given the situation......

i just wanted to know what the hell was going on, and maybe get hooked up with a refund, or a hook up on some other random parts on the backside... he wouldn't PM me back about the aero, but PM'd me about the GTR, that kinda aggravated me.

wow.. jail or not u shouldve atleast gotten a refund.. 200 bucks would constitute a serious fixin in my book

get it in blood

LOL... I'm not all that pissed off about it, but i do agree in some respects....

but if it was paypal couldnt you have sent the money back?

only thing i can do, is file a claim through paypal, but I'm not gonna do Adam like that....
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I heard the story. It's you own fault. He had no room for this shit and held onto it forever. Consider it extra court cost/bad father cost. Going to jail with a child is inexcusable. Idc what happened.

I'm not trying to start shit with you Marshall, cause from what I can tell you truly arnt a bad dood, just did some dumb dickhead shit. But honestly, and negative review thread for this, is silly. You fucked up. Deal with it.

Yeah I'm with Pat. You should probably be concentrating on getting your shit together, and not worrying about a $200 body kit.
yeah man, i agree w/pat too, I'm working on it! shit's pretty easy now, i just got three months of probation, so i'm not really stressing my legal crap...

just going around, trying to tie up loose ends...
Paypal cannot do ANYTHING for you after 45 days except put a note on his record.. which basically means nothing
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