Desoto Drift Practice - 10-10-10



Just so everyone knows.....

1. We will have a course set up for this event - so everyone gets more runs. There won't be a free for all for a set amount of time. You do the course and get off track. Should help with overheating cars as well.
2. Course will be for beginners/intermediate with an advanced section as optional. I HIGHLY RECOMMEND that you do not do the advanced section until you can do the beginners/intermediate section perfectly. It takes more than balls to do the also takes skill. I'm not enforcing this rule for now.....but, I might for future events if people keep pushing this.
3. No tandems on the bank without cages.
4. Tandems will only be allowed for non caged cars on infield only and if you prove yourself to be able. Please talk to me at the track if you want to do this and I'll check you out.
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ill be doing my best to make it and get my suspension awkwardness taken care of..

.i might hit a wall. just sayin
1- That Q45 is tha coolest car in Florida...aside from tha yin yang FC's.
2- If I'm gonna get more than 2 runs...I'm down.
Hopefully I'm in CA for pro-am finals, but if not, I'll be there.
1- That Q45 is tha coolest car in Florida...aside from tha yin yang FC's.
2- If I'm gonna get more than 2 runs...I'm down.

I'm going to set up a course for this one... to ensure we all get alot of runs. Should keep things moving quickly. And, will be fun!
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