Dash Flocking Write-Up.


So after looking all over Google for good write-ups on how to flock a dash didnt find to many threads, So i decided to do one for everyone.

First things first all the people that say this is hard is full of shit its easier to do thi then wrapping one.

And yes u can cover cracks if it is done right.

So first thing i did was pull the dash out and sand down the cracks on the dash luckly i only had 3 small ones to cover. Now u wanna sand them down all the way so they are flush with the surface. It is absolutely neccesary to seal cracks because they will show.

I seen a couple just use bondo to cover the cracks but i decided to use that and some other stuff i have used on other things and i really good strong stuff.

laid that stuff down and sanded all the extra stuff off




After i sanded down that i got some LW bondo and covered it again



Got that all smooth and sanded over the whole dash to make sure everything would stick good. Now make sure u clean the dash too, i used rubbing alcohol and whiped it down a couple times.


So now its time to start flocking! First u gotta lay down the adhesive, i put on a nice clean coat, dont make it too heavy or it will leave run marks and make a big mess.




now it says u have 10-15mins working time when u first start laying the adhesive and to work in small sections, i was able to cover my whole dash fine within 15mins and was still able to lay down the fibers. Also lay something down to catch any extra fibers, u will have alot of extra and u can reuse them for other stuff.

Now this kit came with a special tube u would fill with fibers and pump onto ur dash is was very easy to use.





Now it says to let cure for 24hrs before moving it or anything and 72 hrs before installing back in.

Have any questions feel free to ask, hope this helps out thanks.
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