d1gp coming to miami

Y'all keep saying "again". From the looks of it it's not the same thing. D1usa wasn't D1. It was some dudes trying to make money using the D1 name and bringing over like 4 D1 drivers. I'm probably wrong, but hopefully not...
Anyway, it probably is pretty expensive to drive. Aren't FD events pretty pricey? I mean $350 ain't nothing when you're driving a semi to the track.
I will be driving this event looking forward to it, even if im not up to par with the driving skills. CAN'T WAIT!
I mean $350 ain't nothing when you're driving a semi to the track.

i know its been a hot minute since you saw me last... but i dont drive there in a semi. hahaha

yea well from what I know its being called D1 USA but I think, think, someone else is in charge. first step is that they are on tracks now instead of lots.
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