D1 USA RD 1 results


16. H. Hokkanen
15. Quoc Ly
14. Will Parsons
13. Cyrus Martinez
12. D. Blunt
11. R. Walker
10. T. Cox
09. Ross Petty
08. T. Yoshioka
07. Chelsea DeNofa
06. Kelvin Arreola
05. K. Tanaka
04. Forest Wang
03. D. Saito
02. T. Ueno
01. N. Kumakubo

Top 16

Kumakubo Vs Hokkanen - Kumakubo moves on
Ross Petty Vs. Yoshioka - Ross Petty moves on
Dave Blunt Vs. Tanaka - Tanaka moves on
Cyrus Martinez Vs. Forrest Wang - Forrest moves on(Cyrus broke)
Siato Vs. Will Parsons - Saito moves on
R. Walker Vs. Kelvin Arreola - Russel Walker moves on
Tyler Cox Vs. Chelsea DeNofa - Chelsea DeNofa moves on
Quoc Ly Vs. Ueno - Ueno moves on

top 8

Kumakubo Vs Ross Petty - Kumakubo moves on
Tanaka Vs. Forrest Wang - Forrest moves on
Saito Vs. Walker - Saito moves on
Chelsea DeNofa Vs. Ueno -Ueno moves on

Final 4
Saito Vs Ueno - Saito moves on
Forrest Wang Vs. Kumakubo - Kumakubo moves on after 2 one more times

Winner Of Round 1 D1GP Daigo Saito

Championship Run
Kumakubo Vs. Saito - Saito Wins Round 1

copied from www.everythingdrift.com
Looks like hokkanen at least got top 16!

Yup, not bad for someone just starting his second year of drifting and competing outside of Finland for the first time. :)


Janne Leinonen placed 27th missing most of the practice day due to engine problems. Juha Rintanen broke his transmission on Friday and didn't get through to the main day. Looking forward to these guys' performance in Miami, without technical issues they should all be knocking on the doors of top 16.

Hokkanen VS Kumakubo tandem: http://www.flickr.com/photos/jojotrixie/3495607381 :cool:
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well that was a sucky run to see lol, but DAMN GOOD JOB

then Forrest taking it to them hard as well.
Forrest was bringin it pretty hard though. Like 2 one more times against Kumakubo, that's awesome!
well, FD 'frowns upon' its top drivers going to compete anywhere else. this is why nopi LA we did had very little FD and only the 'lesser' known FD drivers.
Forrest was bringing his A game. I think Chelsea could have had it if he didn't spin. I hope more of the top FD drivers come out to play to show some of the J dudes what's up. Vaughn Gittin scares them a little. lol.
congrats to chelsea,
kumakubo is ridiculous with how close he can get to practically anyone. insane skill. btw what happened to chelsea's car second round against ueno? mech problems?
Chelsey was running on 5 cylinders all day.
FD drivers are scared to go and drive when they are getting judged with the drift box, which worked flawlesly all weekend thats why for example Nomura did not even make it to top 16. there is no more Bias bullshit judging thats why Forrest made it so far as well He is an awesome driver who is not sponsored therefore will never ever win an event in FD
Cant lie on computer numbers.
Also when JR won the D1 in US it was agreed on by the D1 to let him win to sell more DVD's everyone knows that. So I dont think he scares anyone in J land
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