cop lets nissan driver die

I wouldnt get behind the wheel under those conditions. And imagine the family members of the person he might've killed

what if he was emotionally broke down and had too much to drink and decided to speed away and saw the cops and was scared to go to jail.. no one knows why he did what he did. the cop had a bad judgment and should be sued for what he did .
The kid made a bad choice by drinking and driving/running from a cop. The cop made a bad choice by ignoring the wreck and waiting for someone else to report it.

The cop has a job to protect. No matter what bad choice the kid made, that didnt mean he deserved to burn to death. He deserved punishment by the law that the cop had the ability to issue. If the cop had stopped immediately, the fire probably wouldve been small and easy to put out. If the kid had lived through this, he probably would never drink and drive again because of the ordeal. But now he doesn't get a second chance.

Its hard to say who is right and wrong in the case because technically they can't prove that if the cop had stopped right away, that he would have been able to put out the fire/save the kid. But I feel like the cop didn't do his duty to to EVERYTHING he could to try to save a life and that is kind of scary.

Who knows. Maybe the cop didn't know the car was on fire when he passed it. Maybe he was going too fast to make the turn and had to go find a safe place to turn around and then didn't return to the scene of the accident right away. Who knows his reason for doing what he did.

Either way, mistakes were made on both sides. Ultimately, its probably the kids problem since running from the cops in the first place, but I don't think he deserved being burned to death
Who knows. Maybe the cop didn't know the car was on fire when he passed it. Maybe he was going too fast to make the turn and had to go find a safe place to turn around and then didn't return to the scene of the accident right away. Who knows his reason for doing what he did.

sorry but in this part i have to disagree with you does not take 3 min to decide if its safe to turn around or whatever was going through his mind.. he was punching it the whole time untill he got to the corner where the kid crashed then he just cruised to where he stopped and waited ..
No matter what the guy driving did, that is NOT any way to handle the situation. He dosnt deserve to be burnt alive. thats why the cop is worrying so bad while hes trying to put it out, because he knew he's fucked.

is his call if he wants to save the guy .
is his call if he wants to save the guy .

what would of happen if the guy didnt crash and just pulled over at that spot and gotten out ..would the cop keep going and park where he did? no he would of gotten out and beat the kid till he got the handcuffs on ..he messed up by ignoring the situation and he ,just like the kid, will suffer the conscience. kid died and it can be treated as manslaughter with the right lawyer. cop should be sued and charged with it
what would of happen if the guy didnt crash and just pulled over at that spot and gotten out ..would the cop keep going and park where he did? no he would of gotten out and beat the kid till he got the handcuffs on ..he messed up by ignoring the situation and he ,just like the kid, will suffer the conscience. kid died and it can be treated as manslaughter with the right lawyer. cop should be sued and charged with it

nothing will happen to the cop .wait and see. that's how it is. i know is messed up. but that's how it is, i got beat up by one officer about 2 years ago and guess what? nothing happened to him. can't f u c k with the law!!
nothing will happen to the cop .wait and see. that's how it is. i know is messed up. but that's how it is, i got beat up by one officer about 2 years ago and guess what? nothing happened to him. can't f u c k with the law!!

cool story bro...:gayfight:
nothing will happen to the cop .wait and see. that's how it is. i know is messed up. but that's how it is, i got beat up by one officer about 2 years ago and guess what? nothing happened to him. can't f u c k with the law!!

He's probably going to lose his job. He has quite a record of not following procedure.

A THP sergeant who viewed the video the night of the crash first raised concerns. His superiors, including Col. Trott, also watched the video, then turned it over to District Attorney General Randy Nichols, who determined "no criminal statutes applied but that Trooper Morgan's actions or lack thereof were 'egregious.'"

In the letter, Trott says that Trooper Van Morgan claimed that he only saw a car out of the corner of his eye and dismissed it as a parked car. Trott discounts this claim, because of the condition of the car, which had smoke rising 20-25 feet in the air. He also points out that Van Morgan slowed from 51 mph to 21 mph just past the crash.

Trott also points out that Trooper Van Morgan attempted to call an attorney from the Police Benevolent Association within minutes of returning to the crash scene.

Trott also went to the scene in a similar vehicle and drove it at night at the same speed. He determined that Trooper Van Morgan "did indeed see the crash scene and chose to ignore it."

Trott says in the letter that he cannot guess the reasons for Van Morgan's actions, but mentions that he was involved in another pursuit that ended in a death a few years before. He again emphasizes that he finds no fault with Van Morgan's pursuit. It was the fact that he passed a crashed and burning vehicle without stopping and rendering aid.

The letter says that the preliminary autopsy shows that Anito died on impact, but that Morgan could not know that at the time.

The letter says Van Morgan was placed on administrative duty on January 13, and that he made "several alarming comments" at that time. He stated "I got out and got my fire extinguisher just to make it look good. I knew he was dead but you, you got to do that for the media and everyone else. I was just trying to put on a show..."

Trott says that type of comment "is not a positive representation of the Tennessee Highway Patrol."

In the letter, Trott says that while Van Morgan has excelled in many duties, that as a result of the incident, Van Morgan "has lost his credibility with the THP leadership and supervisors. Therefore, I have no choice but to recommend his termination from the THP for Neglect of Duty and Conduct Unbecoming a State Trooper."

THP says Trooper Van Morgan is currently on discretionary leave with pay, while the legal process that will likely end with his termination plays out.
what if he was emotionally broke down and had too much to drink and decided to speed away and saw the cops and was scared to go to jail.. no one knows why he did what he did. the cop had a bad judgment and should be sued for what he did .

You'd be cool with a kid who killed your parents 'cause he was under the influence and crashed into them? I mean, the kid may have been depressed that night, ya' know?

I'm not saying the cop shouldn't help him, but the kid is a fucking idiot for driving under the influence. God forbid that happens to anyone... It's not fair to lose someone close to you because of the kid's selfish reasons... Fortunately no one else was hurt.
i mostly find it funny how everyone talks about how much assholes cops are and how they are worthless...but in the moment of need they turn to no one else but the cops...they are obviously both wrong. but the cop did what any of you guys would have done in the same situation.
i mostly find it funny how everyone talks about how much assholes cops are and how they are worthless...but in the moment of need they turn to no one else but the cops...they are obviously both wrong. but the cop did what any of you guys would have done in the same situation.

You'd be cool with a kid who killed your parents 'cause he was under the influence and crashed into them? I mean, the kid may have been depressed that night, ya' know?

I'm not saying the cop shouldn't help him, but the kid is a fucking idiot for driving under the influence. God forbid that happens to anyone... It's not fair to lose someone close to you because of the kid's selfish reasons... Fortunately no one else was hurt.

your right but its still no reason for the cop to have done that ..people drink and drive all the time and its the cops duty to stop them before something happens not avoid the situation . he did crash . what if it was into my parents ..what if the cop would of still ignored the crash and kept on ? is he right for avoiding it ? maybe my parants could of lived but since he kept on now they died ...its the cops fault
but the cop did what any of you guys would have done in the same situation.

uhhh, I DEFINITELY would've stopped the moment I saw a wrecked vehicle if there was no one else around and it looked like it was catching on fire. If people were already helping then no, I wouldn't because at that point it would just be getting in the way.
your right but its still no reason for the cop to have done that ..people drink and drive all the time and its the cops duty to stop them before something happens not avoid the situation . he did crash . what if it was into my parents ..what if the cop would of still ignored the crash and kept on ? is he right for avoiding it ? maybe my parants could of lived but since he kept on now they died ...its the cops fault

man i bet you are heart broken just cause he was driving a nissan. am i right?
uhhh, I DEFINITELY would've stopped the moment I saw a wrecked vehicle if there was no one else around and it looked like it was catching on fire. If people were already helping then no, I wouldn't because at that point it would just be getting in the way.
you dont live in miami, your point is not valid.
i mostly find it funny how everyone talks about how much assholes cops are and how they are worthless...but in the moment of need they turn to no one else but the cops...they are obviously both wrong. but the cop did what any of you guys would have done in the same situation.

I am a Fire Fighter sooo yea you are wrong
For future reference everyone. When you extinguish a fire you spray into the base of the fire. Not the flames like this idiot did. Kthxbai
pass = Pull the pin, Aim at the base, Squeeze the trigger, Sweep the base. yes i paid attention in class!
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