clear coat on polished lip?


i got some rims with lips in great condition. when i try to clear coat the lip it looks like crap. should i just leave the lips non-clear coated? or will the lip start to oxidize and get nasty?

Or is there special paint for this?

let me know please
just leave it alone, u CAN clear the lip but it will still end up oxidizing under the clear
Leave them as is but take care of the wheels. Wash them every weekend and you will be str8.
If your not using a legit clear out a spray gun spray paint clear is
very weak and will not last long at all
personally I don't like clear over polish cause it looks dull and like Bryan says it's oxidizes after time you can't polish them to a mirror finsish with clear
my family has always owned 18 wheeler show truck so I have done alot polishing in my days lol

The best thing to do is give them a nice hand polish job every couple months
and they will stay like new for years and years
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