CFRC Drifting 2011 Schedule!

Nothing but <3 for CFRC man.... but

You misunderstand. When I say 'big event' i dont mean competition or big hoopla stuff. I just mean big attendance. I dont care if you get 10 'practice only' events all year and thats ALL you did, your attendance, and driver turnout will be great. You should do like 10-12 events, and only 4 of those competitions with prizes/payout/whatever. The other events are pure practice. 6-8 practice events all year and 4 comps is still a lot.

you bring up that less experienced can't go out and practice if you cut back but there are other tracks and venues in FL that have events too. if they want practice there is plenty of events around. they want to complain about having to travel then they can wait and be drooling for the next CFRC- like money in the bank?

I know right now that even if the first 2-3 months are solid, its going to fall into not much. And for proof, how many drivers did we have at the event before Frankenslide.... 15 or so? and you were only doing 1 per month... spectators were around 60? Events like that make the track think the sport is dying/not worth it when all that is really happening is they are spreading out their attendance too thin because people dont make enough to travel, entry fee, tires, etc 2 times a month.

I'll be out as much as possible because I love CFRC but I can tell ya that I'd be hard to make more than 6 in a year because I'd want to save money to hit up other venues.

How can any other track schedule an event in 2011 without coming 'too close' to one of CFRCs? Realistically we should have a FL cycle where january is CFRC, feb is Countyline, march is desoto, april is miami GP, or so... every 3 weeks should be an event somewhere. that gives us almost 18 events all year... who here besides a few of us, have ever done 18events in a single year?

Another point-
too many events = drivers never venture out of their area.
how often do we get SFL peeps up to cfrc? rarely... because they have lots of events there, so why leave? Well, cuz you need to practice on more than one track. Get used to learning how to adjust to other tracks/surfaces. It will improve drivers for them to try new stuff.

I'm not hatin on CFRC, i wish I was able to drive there right now- its sweet. We need to work together as a state to not step over our boundaries. I'm also not telling you "You can't do this schedule".

drifting = a drug
drifters = crackheads
event holders = dealers
if you were a drug dealer and gave your crackhead enough to OD, you are effectively hurting your own business; a dead crackhead doesnt buy more next month. dont supply the crackheads with enough drugs to OD.

Keep the schedule set, and lets hope im wrong

nice comaprison. lol it really opened my eyes to the point you were trying to make....:bigthumbu
How can any other track schedule an event in 2011 without coming 'too close' to one of CFRCs? Realistically

For real theres no way we(Drift-Sessions) will be able to schedule a event that doesn't interfere with those dates.
Conflicts are ok for NFL/SFL because we don't always go to each others events. Only thing that seems to bring us together is competitions or special events which will be spread out. On competitions it would be great to not overlap each others events.

On CFRC's side they have made it clear that they are willing to work with other organizers and encourage them to email/call with ideas and suggestions. They are committed to a strong schedule because they hope the sport will grow, and us NFL guys needed a solid spot.

On a 2011 side I would love to get all event organizers together in December for a meeting so we can plan out a rough schedule of large events. I want a FL drift series, you guys want one, so let's make sure we have a good one. Would be great to have something at all our usual venues so we can really mix it up.
I should have my drift beater ready for next year, so I'm pumped for lots of events and not having to buy good tires and fuel!
OD on drifting? Blasphemy! I would drift everyday if I could! But everything jason said makes sense. It would be sweet if it drew more people and made it blow up to where we needed more tracks and every event hit a driver cap!
By this time next year my house is going to be empty of furnishings after i sell them all. all im going to have is my blanket, pillow, PC and my 240. lolol.
2nd Annual SummerSlide Fest
Sunday, August 14, 2011
9am till finished

Just making sure they'res nothing I have to do before hand to attend this? I'm coming from PA so I don't wanna come down and not be able to slide lol
2nd annual summerslide fest should actually be Stevie's new baby slidefest
just sayin
he/she is like the new chosen one for drifting.
I wanna make my way to that track atleast once this year. Question what gear are you guys with sr 240s using. 3rd gear entry then down to 2nd? Looks like that in the vids i've seen but thought Id ask.
lot of them are staying 2nd... id say you should tag 3rd a little and then back to 2nd but what do i know, i drive a veyate.
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