bout my new dd


last week i picked up a new 09 ninja 250r




lmk what u think
nice but 250

totally agree, even for a beginner bike. I'm not trying to knock you but I think these bikes are made for suckers.


How Much Did You Pick It Up For?
Did They Change The Front For 09'?

Yeah they changed them to look more sportier like a 600 but kept the small mountain bike tires.

I'm all for people getting 250s as beginners bikes but why not get a used 250 instead of spending alot of money on a new one your going to out grow in a few months.
totally agree, even for a beginner bike. I'm not trying to knock you but I think these bikes are made for suckers.

Yeah they changed them to look more sportier like a 600 but kept the small mountain bike tires.

I'm all for people getting 250s as beginners bikes but why not get a used 250 instead of spending alot of money on a new one your going to out grow in a few months.

lol yeah have to agree.. better an 06 600 gsxr or something along those lines.. 250r cute.. lol
nice but 250
is more than enough to some people! is a great bike! spends zero gas!

I don't understand why everyone thinks bigger better! you can have tons of fun even with a aprillia 50cc sportbike, with the ninja 250 you can learn easily to drag the knee and you can race in the 250 division, has tons of aftermarkets. I have ridden all size bikes, and for daily use i would love a 250 but fuel injected..

where did you got it? is really hard to get.

PS: let me know if the tank makes the crying sound when is hot and it has been parked for a couple of hours? my sis in law did that for a couple of weeks and we took it to the dealer for it. they redrilled the gas venting hole.
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looks really good... and i agree with locko why are people so obsesed over bigger bikes.... this 250 is more then enough bike for most.
looks really good... and i agree with locko why are people so obsesed over bigger bikes.... this 250 is more then enough bike for most.

if you have lived in different countries you will notice people preffer the 250 to the bigger bike, first is more forgiving, second is very cheap on gas and usually easier to repair.
if you have lived in different countries you will notice people preffer the 250 to the bigger bike, first is more forgiving, second is very cheap on gas and usually easier to repair.

pretty sure last time I checked we lived in america. :p

But seriously I learned on a sv650. I haven't had any problems with it. Most people that buy 250s are as beginner bikes. You'll quickly out grow them wanting more speed. I've know of a few close friends that that's happened to. Another buying a black one just like the OP and everyone said should've bought used instead of new your going to outgrow it quick blah blah blah. And sure enough a few months later he wanted more. Not saying its going to happen to everyone because my mom owns a 250 ninja and she doesn't want anything faster.

I'm just against the mountain bike tires they put on it. I'd feel a little better with something a little wider.
pretty sure last time I checked we lived in america. :p

But seriously I learned on a sv650. I haven't had any problems with it. Most people that buy 250s are as beginner bikes. You'll quickly out grow them wanting more speed. I've know of a few close friends that that's happened to. Another buying a black one just like the OP and everyone said should've bought used instead of new your going to outgrow it quick blah blah blah. And sure enough a few months later he wanted more. Not saying its going to happen to everyone because my mom owns a 250 ninja and she doesn't want anything faster.

I'm just against the mountain bike tires they put on it. I'd feel a little better with something a little wider.
Yeah i understand you i learned in a cbr954rr which it was extremelly sensitive to braking and accel :S second the seat felt like a wood plate lol... then i went ahead and bought a hyosung GT650R (same engine as Sv650 but carburated) it gave me more fun than the 954rr, and my sis bought a kawi ninja 250 that i drove it for the break in period and it was way too much fun :D! you can even have lunch while you ride and it will balance itself lol... i also have driven bmw 650x, gixxers 750,bmw rs1200, ulysess, ktm supermotos, and ill be honest i love all of them except bmw. the coolest bike to ride where the supermoto and the ninja 250. but nowdays i daily the harley because i can carry more cargo than the other ones

they look so much better now!
and amazing on gas

but having a bike for a daily this time a year sucks!
plan to get wet

tell me about it!! i go to work everyday with a nice sunshine.. i get home wet every afternoon lol! lol.. but to be honest.. im kindo getting the feeling and loving it.. it feels so refreshing :D!
i learned on a broken ass 250. i also learned that week before the engine seal blew up , that. when a 250 falls on ur foot your like ouch.
but try that with a 600rr.
and i learned my first non voluntary wheelie.

and from the 250 i jumped to a katana no problem.

but back on topic, the 250 is perfect if your not into competition and being crazy.

bigger is better sometimes. i ride my 600 with my friend 1000 and it sucks he can go way faster than me. if i hate my 600 sometimes i can only imagine a 250 on the highway.

here in florida a 250 suck.
I'm all for people getting 250s as beginners bikes but why not get a used 250 instead of spending alot of money on a new one your going to out grow in a few months.

they buy these bikes because when they came out a year ago, they were $3,500, and you could sell that 1 year old bike today for $3800 or more because there is a huge waiting list for them and today they are actually more like $4000+ i believe.
i learned on a kawasaki 600rr, and i loved it, but the 250 is great and i want one to this day. they are extremely forgiving and weigh a lot less, so you can throw them around a lot more and tend to make fewer mistakes.

and the new 250 may only do about 125, but seriously dude you shouldnt be going faster than that, i understand its fun, ive been about 140, but its stupid and asking for trouble, even in safe places. but they are actually, from what i hear, a lot more stable on the highway than the older versions, and people are actually faster around smaller sized tracks on 250's than bigger bikes. think about that
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^ the facts! btw if you are 270 pounds , and 6"3 the 250 will only do 116 miles per hour :( *sigh*.... tested already lol.... but like you said no need for more speed, i ridden fast but nowdays fast = loose your ride!... aint willing to risk it!
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