Birthday Party PIX ( Epic lulz.. 56k DIAF)

son i lost count after 7 blunts LMAO

LMAO i was so blitzed when i got there i could bearley stand then we just kept going LMAO oh big ups to pablo and estie for lettin me crash at the crib

i didnt even think you knew who i was when i was talkin to you haha! it was like i was looking right through your eyes them shits were so dialated haha!
well I had some printing issues with my baller Slide Slide Slide Shirt my good man,
Also I had to wait for my lovely and incomparable JAPANESE friend, Hitomi...
Sorry we missed you bro.
Awsome party!! all i can say is wow.. thanks meghz for the invite and e30 gangsta post the vidz you were taking!there has to be some funny shit in them!
ok I have a HUGE favor to ask of everyone at the party. I have misplaced a blue camera, that I REALLY need back. We can do this one of two ways.

1) be straight up and shoot me a PM saying you have it and I will let you know where to send it.
2) if you are a creep and take shit that doesnt belong to you, PLEASE send me back at least the memory card that is in it.

Depending on the situation, I will offer about $50 to get it back. Thank you still kind of drunk. Sorry for owning the bathroom to all the people that had to piss outside. Good to meet so many people......that shit was serious business.

after 3 hours of sleep.. this is the best I can come up with for right now.. lol

To everyone that came, thank you so much. I'm glad you made it all possible to have an "epic" party for the birthday boy and girl ;]
Guille and Nat: for being born, and letting us all be here to celebrate with you! hehe Guille you killed it on the tables, and Nat I LOVE YOU!
To the bartenders, Raimel and Chris: Big Ups to them, they helped out alot, and made killer drinks!
To everyone who helped clean up. Your amazing, I couldn't have done it without you.
Chuck, David = Good times ;]
JONES: I love you so much! :D So happy we finally got to meet, and Im happy I got to see Chubbs again!
Freddy: I really don't know what I would do without you at times. Thanks for everything! And I'm so happy you FINALLY joined the forums.
Rob, Jenna, Rodd, Ellie, All the ones who kept making sure I was okay :bigthumbu THANKS!
GeneStarWindGSW: Pleasure meeting you my love, thank you for coming!
and The group at Steak and Shake :]
All of GS who came up, I love you all, zach I cant help but giggle!

The list goes on,
but I just really want to thank everyone, I had a blast, and I know I was running around like a crazy person at times. But I just was tryin to make sure everything was straight so we can keep throwin' these awesome parties. Next EPIC party will be My 21st Birthday! <3

To the ones, who had lost something, or something had happened to your car, I'm very sorry. TJ I'm on the look out for your camera!

Alrighty here we go.... HERES SOME PICTURES.
I do not have time to do them all, Ill get to the rest when I have some free time :D




















sorry this is very funny. love ya shane <3



again thanks! Hope you all enjoyed yourselves Im sorry things got cut a little short! :D
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I had soooooooo much fun =)
love you all, and thanks to everyone who came!
Meghz you're seriously the shit. Thanks for letting us have the party at your house, and just thanks for everytihng you've done for me <3
OMG I had so much fun @ teh party... def. made my weekend worth wile.... thanks Meg for lendng the house to SNS for the night you are the greatest <3
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