biggest Issue with Newb Drifters.

Originally Posted by tmwnn88
From a noob's perspective:

I feel its the lack of places....
I want to learn how to drift and would love a place to practice regularly, but the only place is countyline skidpad.

As good as having an event close to miami is, don't get me wrong but the skidpad aint much. I specd it once and it was like 20 cars, and most people got like one minute track time tops per each run and then had to go back to the start of the line.
The audience was.... eh lets just leave it at that.

Now lets say I went there to learn and practice, with 20 cars behind me and lots of more experienced drivers around I would definitely feel pressured. It be like go in, get 30 secs run and try not to spin out, then get out.

So the only options for a noob like me are a)skidpads b) streetsliding in deserted warehouses and what not, which only works once a week and you have to alternate between spots to prevent from heating them too much, and you are always looking out for cops, security, etc etc, and there's no one to instruct you tell you what you are doing wrong or whatever.

If there was a place like ebisu, with dedicated tracks for beginners, intermediate, advanced drivers, etc, it be a different story.

But it aint, so you just make do with what you got

How are you upset with ONLY having one legal place to practice as a newb?
ebisu isn't gonna help you learn to fucking drive. Stop fucking complaining from a newb's perspective. Drive. just shut tha fuck up and fucking drive. Who gives a fuck what other people think about how shitty of a driver u r? Put a big I'M NEWB AS FUCK!!!! sticker on ur winshield...and make a fucking joke out of how shitty u drive.
Learn ur car, progress as a driver, then think of driving a course like ebisu.

How THA FUCK does your brain constitute having a "better course" making you into a better driver? A tougher course will only show off even more so how horrible of a driver you are.
LEARN YOUR CAR. Don't swap a motor into it before u fucking start drifting.
Drift a KA ass 240, are a bone stock motored whatever tha fuck u drive. Once u learn how to drive it, then think of swapping a different motor into it and going to ebisu.

he conversation was about what the problem with drifting in florida was, and I gave an answer from my perspective as a noob:

No, the problem with drifting in FL isn't what you say it is. The problem with drifting in FL is drivers such as yourself who say that this is the problem.
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How are you upset with ONLY having one legal place to practice as a newb?
ebisu isn't gonna help you learn to fucking drive. Stop fucking complaining from a newb's perspective. Drive. just shut tha fuck up and fucking drive. Who gives a fuck what other people think about how shitty of a driver u r? Put a big I'M NEWB AS FUCK!!!! sticker on ur winshield...and make a fucking joke out of how shitty u drive.
Learn ur car, progress as a driver, then think of driving a course like ebisu.

How THA FUCK does your brain constitute having a "better course" making you into a better driver? A tougher course will only show off even more so how horrible of a driver you are.
LEARN YOUR CAR. Don't swap a motor into it before u fucking start drifting.
Drift a KA ass 240, are a bone stock motored whatever tha fuck u drive. Once u learn how to drive it, then think of swapping a different motor into it and going to ebisu.

Holy shit man...the education system failed you hard. I cant understand how anyone could have read my previous post, and thought I was saying "I want to swap an sr and drift ebisu!":ugh: I thought reading comprehension was needed to pass the FCAT and graduate?
nope, no reading comprehension here. I actually have no idea what the FCAT is. I am simply an ignorant mid 20 year old mediocre driver who pressures newbs into failing at driving.
How did the education system fail him. I read the post and it makes perfect sense. Your post comprehended by several people on this forum and they all gathered the same thought. You think we need Ebisu and free running track time in order to progress as drivers. Well as much as it would be nice it would never fucking happen so make due with what we got. Drive and event and shut the fuck up. Thats the point of this thread. You can't voice your opinion on something you know nothing about. You have no valid opinion until you do such a thing.
i went through all the trouble to read all of these wah wah comments and im sad i didnt use those minutes on porn.
There's nothing wrong with drifting in Florida. I grew up with nothing but the triangle. If you're a newb, be happy you have a track at all and shut up and drive.
People on here act like going north of countyline is impossible. There are other events, and if you wanna get good at driving you need to go to as many events as you can. It's also pretty much impossible to get good at driving from street sliding.
People on here act like going north of countyline is impossible. There are other events, and if you wanna get good at driving you need to go to as many events as you can. It's also pretty much impossible to get good at driving from street sliding.

Nick Hogan?
I learned on a private track... Joshua S taught me on that private track... no im not joking either...

before that thought I played lots of GT3, Forza and watched many videos
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