big problem, need help asap


Cuban Drifter
well spent last night swaping my engine by myself.... everything was looking good when about 30 mins ago i go to turn on the motor and all it does is crank.... it doesnt turn over.... im pretty sure it has to be electrical.. but i have no clue where to start to look.... i put the distributer in like everyone told me.... even if the timing was off wouldnt the motor at least try to turn over.... i dont know what to do but i need this fixed today... my car is halfway in my garage and ive been up all night... i gotta clean the garage and do some thing before tommorrow morning.... any help would be great... if anyone is local and wants to come look would be even better....
i live in west miramar so i wouldnt be abl to com over till like 7 but if the engine doesnt turn over at all if its a manual check the neatral safety switch theres usually a piece of plastic on the clutch pedal and when if falls off there is a hole in the pedal were the switch will go through it wont get pushed on so it would be like your not pushing the pedal at all also check the starter conections maybe the signal wire came of also check your fuses do that and lmk whets up
If it is cranking you either are missing SPARK or FUEL!

A common mistake is routing the Fuel lines backwards. Make sure the return is going to the Regulator and the Feed to the open line.

If you are ok there pull a wire of the distributor and hold it near by where it plugs in and have someone crack you should see or hear the ARC/Spark.

If niether of those are your problem maybe you didnt plug in your ECU or a connectoion.

What swap BTW?
i blew my ka last week. so i got a new one s13 to s13 kade swap nothing major just changing engines.... i tried switching the fuel lines just for the hell of it and no luck.... im thinking it spark but i cant check that cause im alone..correct me if im wrong but a engine will still turn on if the timing is bad just run like crap right.... i was thinking that i installed something wrong but i think the distributor might be way off or gone bad... i dont see why it would go bad though it was the one from my old engine....

hey platano pm me if you wanna roll by and take a look at it... i live right off dykes road....
It depends. If you are NOT on tdc and your off a tooth on your distributor the motor will turn but not start. If you are ON tdc and a tooth off the motor should start but idle like crap.

Redo your timing. Remember TDC is the second notch from left to right on the pulley. Do you smell gas when you try to crank? Make sure your injectors are plugged in correctly. Make sure you connected all the grounds.

Go over everything and check every connection. Make sure the coil is connected. Im not trying to make you sound like a noob or anything but, sometimes specially when you're doing it alone these things can slip your mind.

i'll pull up a buch of diagrams and swing by after work if anything pm me ur # so i dont get lost does the engine turn over and doesnt start or is it not doing anything when u turn the key???
The coil on a KA24DE has THREE plugs.. make sure they are all conected.

check Spark + fuel

if you have both then it's a timeing issue
i cant check spark but i know its not fuel.... how do i check the spark.... theres no way to do it alone right... im pretty sure its the distributer..... does anyone have a s13 one i can buy off them..... i have a s14 on but that wont work will it....
i got 1 for an s13 but its at the shop and im home now so i can get it tommarow i was gonna stp by today but my bro reminded me of his cuzins B-day party and she told me to go a while back so i gotta go but tommarow i can help ya for sure

and to check spark alone you gotta stick a screw driver in 1 of the wires put it close to a ground source like the vaulve cover in a spot were you can see it from the little gap behind the hood if not that way get a long piece of wire turn the ignition on make sure its in neuttral do the thing with the spark plug wire and put direct power to the start( the little wire goin to the starter) then watch for spark
hey platano call me... i got it to turn over but only if i give it gas.... if i let of it will studer and die..... it has to be timing... i need this shit fixed man i wanna go out to night...

also my brake pedal is rock hard... like if you pump it with the car on execpt it doesnt get soft after you turn the car on...
ok i got to car to turn on but if i take my foot off the gas then it stalls.... i got the timing as close to 20 as i could by my self... looks like i will be ok fpr tonight.... worst case i can set the idle at about 1200 with a little trick i did but at the bottom of the throttle body theres a little nut and screw... if i raise it up a little i can prob get the car to hold at about 800.... once i fine tune the timing it should stop the odd idle (you know the one where it sounds like a old muscle car) and it smooth it out... plus i got to put new spark plugs and get some carb cleaner for the throttle body and we should be good to go....

thanks to everyone for the info you guys rock..... so whats going on tonight.... maybe some drifto..... :bigthumbu
ahhh your awesome.... ill see you in a bit then... it shouldnt take long.... maybe a few mins to just double check and get the timing and idle just right...
i was gonna call u but i forgot cause i was late and theu were rushing me but if you still need help tomarow i'll pass by
this car is pissing me off....dan looked and it and said that everything looks right but to change the plugs and wires.. so i just did and nothing.... the car runs if i give it gas but stalls is i let off it... im thinking that somewhere there is a vac leak..... where do the lines under the throttle body goto..... i think i might have some mixed up....
well it doesnt matter if there mixed up as lond ans none of them are open causeing a vac leack witch is what it sounds Like you have
i usually eliminatet them all so yeah if you want cap them off
i did... i hope its not some vac line by the egr..... theres no way to get to those is there.....
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