Best Wishes To...

GODDDDDDDDDDDDDDD DAMNNNN. There is a reason why your alive IDK why but thank the big man up top.
damn that shit was serious good luck bro ive been in a couple bad accidents shit sucks
holy shit dude, thats insane. i dont know if its just the pics but i find it weird how the airbags seemed to not go off. anyways, at least you're.
Dude that's insane ur one lucky mofo my friend almost died in a accident not too long ago u and him are the 2 luckest people I know!! Best wishes and to a full recovery now get a RWD!!!
You should send that to Mazda. That should bump up their safety ratings.

Glad you're okay, but shit you had to be going some what fast to 'cause that much damage.
were you atleast wearing the helmet?

lol dude u dont really wear a helmet on public roads.... police give u funny looks, know what I mean?

Funny, before I left the shopping center I was thinking about wearing it while i was driving but i was like.... nah.

Crazy foreshadowing, eh?
lol dude u dont really wear a helmet on public roads.... police give u funny looks, know what I mean?

Funny, before I left the shopping center I was thinking about wearing it while i was driving but i was like.... nah.

Crazy foreshadowing, eh?

ive done it i actually got pulled out of my car through the window by a huge black cop and a gun held on me and i wasnt doing anything wrong just wearing a helmet
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