Best Wishes To...


** カラスVISION **
Im starting this thread because a fellow drifter of ours needs our best wishes. CoconutMonkey met me up a few days ago to buy the sheoi helmet off of me. we chilled and talked for a minute and then departed due to some heavy rain starting where we were. Not 20 minutes after we departed his car wrapped around a tree and he was air lifted to the hospital. I know that he has a split eye lid and a broken clavicle along with a few other broken bones in his shoulder and else where. I am not too keen on the details, he doesnt remember how it happened. Now the dude has no car , no phone, and possibly no helmet because it was in the car and now the car is in the junk. Lets keep this dude in our minds and wish him a speedy recovery. He is new to the forum and this would really mean something to him.
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[06-01, 17:01] coconutmonkey hi every1
[06-01, 17:01] Pancho how u feeling buddy?
[06-01, 17:01] coconutmonkey better
[06-01, 17:02] coconutmonkey my right arm above the elbow is useless
[06-01, 17:02] coconutmonkey until my clavicle heals up, that is
[06-01, 17:02] coconutmonkey about a month or two, until then i cant drive a car... not that i have a car to drive lol
[06-01, 17:02] coconutmonkey insurance is gonna be bitchin too lol
[06-01, 17:02] coconutmonkey i'll post pics of the crash later
[06-01, 17:03] coconutmonkey my rear tires were bald, which caused me to spin out in the rain
[06-01, 17:03] Pancho yea man thank god your alive
[06-01, 17:03] Pancho it happens to the best of us
[06-01, 17:03] coconutmonkey i know
[06-01, 17:04] coconutmonkey if u look at hte car, it would look like nobody survived
[06-01, 17:04] coconutmonkey i had that one in a milliom chance that my body landed perfectly inside the car with minimal injuries
[06-01, 17:05] coconutmonkey supposedly it took the tow truck guys three hours to get the car off the tree
post pics on here!

Its a pain in the ass cause FSS doesnt leave the bbcode intact, instead it converts it into an image rather than leave the code there. Lemme see.....






Holy Shit! 99% of the time a person would not survive a crash like that. Your back seat looks like it actually protected you as it is now forming a wall where you passenger seat should be. Good thing there were no passengers, there would have been zero chance of living for them.

Glad your ok man that is freaking scary.
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