Benerovi & s0lokoopi promo vid


Drift Naked

benerovi in the s12 and s0loWkoopi in the white hatch........let me know what u guys think
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too bad THIS is my car:

and I have pink HIDS

this was before u painted it red DONT LIE !!!!!!!

Oh yeah that awesome red with the clear coat pealing off... It's shit like this that makes me want to move from florida, as far away as possible... Who is sliding in this vid? They fucking suck huge donkey balls
Oh yeah that awesome red with the clear coat pealing off... It's shit like this that makes me want to move from florida, as far away as possible... Who is sliding in this vid? They fucking suck huge donkey balls

at least they're not worried about their new tires...

LOL, this got me nostalgic... reminds me wen I started back in the day and we used to street slide.
I will tell u 2 things

1. I rly think (and thats just personal op) that at the end wen u guys were doing that street corner... that was pretty STUPID, specially w/o a look out guy. at min 11:42 the S12 almost took out civilian car. if you must street drift then at least have a better plan and do it smarter so no1 gets hurt... specially a random people that are just driving by.

2. please edit most of the "going to the spot", this vid could of been 5mins if you edit the BSing around town, include key points of the conversation but dont leave me watching u parked at a red light, and...

LOL, this got me nostalgic... reminds me wen I started back in the day and we used to street slide.
I will tell u 2 things

1. I rly think (and thats just personal op) that at the end wen u guys were doing that street corner... that was pretty STUPID, specially w/o a look out guy. at min 11:42 the S12 almost took out civilian car. if you must street drift then at least have a better plan and do it smarter so no1 gets hurt... specially a random people that are just driving by.

2. please edit most of the "going to the spot", this vid could of been 5mins if you edit the BSing around town, include key points of the conversation but dont leave me watching u parked at a red light, and...


^this was a joke

Yeah but even if it was a true attempt at a street sliding video, Juan has touched all the key points that need to be enforced while in the process of filming a street drifting video.
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