this tournament was by far the best paul-a-palooza ever! 24 teams, thats just unheard of! everytime its getn more legit.

I first of would like to apologize to all for the delay on beer, i had no idea how many people were acually coming so i guess 2 kegs wasnt enough. thank u guys for bein patience and waiting for the 3rd one to arrive. I also would like to apologize for the long table wait. i got a second table to help minamize the wait but i guess with 24 teams ill need atleast 3 tables.

there are so many people i would like to thank for this great paul-a-palooza tournment/birthday party,1st is the great man-BLADDER MASTER, this guy shows the true sprit of paul-a-palooza! again great announing, thank you help keepn things organized and get the games running on time. he even drove all the way back to his girls house to drop here off and came back just to announce the rest of the games!
thank you angela for do the team bracket charts and writing in all the team names. Thank you moona for opeing up the liquer store to sell us another keg after hours, u saved the party! Thank you to my wife,brittany, for the birthday cake, that was a great suprise!!! thank you chuck for ref/watchn most of the games, help keep everything running smoothly!
thank you guy for ref, games/time clock and help cleaning up, true friend!

THANK YOU everyone who attended and particapated in the beer pong tournment, everyone was very respectful! i couldnt ask for more!

Congs, to the new paul-a-palooza tournament champions-THE AVERAGE JOEY's!!
u guys played a great tournment, and some of the funniest shit talk'n ive ever heard! u had me, guy and bladder rolln around on the floor!!

memorable moments of the night-

kid sittn out side puckn all over himself, and not carring!(shit was halirous)
pancho and frank"skull fucking" each other for sike-outs!
team average joey's dropn the elbow sike on team josh!

again thank you all!

please if u got pics/vids post them up, more media the better!
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best part.... Team josh"im gonna Kick your........" average joes...."ELBOW!" lmao
but yea thanks again paul and well theres always next time for us lol
best part.... Team josh"im gonna Kick your........" average joes...."ELBOW!" lmao
but yea thanks again paul and well theres always next time for us lol

yeah that shit was funny!!!!!

yeah guy u need to step up son!! more practice!!!!!!
good times man, good times

team papaganoush got taken out by the gay duos

im not your friend anymore frank :laugh:
I can't believe we lost to AeroK...:wtf: lol, jk, it was a good game!! :bigthumbu

Paul, happy b-day again! we'll definitely be back for the next paul-a-palooza! Maybe Eddie will decide to be in town when he signs up next time... :chair:
sick time thanks bladder and congrats to average joes.
thanks baldder for all ur help and helping out with "thats another chris and scotty TWO CUPS!!"
I seriously have to give it to the Average Joe's for their defense. They had me in tears from how much they made me laugh. Congrats to them on their win. Some of the highlights for me was:

1. The mass amount of people that were there.
2. Getting traumatized by Pancho when he mooned everyone. (Actually, this isn't a highlight for me now that I think about it.)
3. Surprised me to see Mr. Sean Love, BoostedKouki, and JeepsteR118 playing.
4. Getting to play Rock Band 2 with Guy after the event was over with.

Definitely looking forward to the next Paul-A-Palooza event.

sick time thanks bladder and congrats to average joes.
thanks baldder for all ur help and helping out with "thats another chris and scotty TWO CUPS!!"
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I seriously have to give it to the Average Joe's for their defense. They had me in tears from how much they made me laugh. Congrats to them on their win. Some of the highlights for me was:

1. The mass amount of people that were there.
2. Getting traumatized by Pancho when he mooned everyone. (Actually, this isn't a highlight for me now that I think about it.)
3. Surprised me to see Mr. Sean Love, BoostedKouki, and JeepsteR118 playing.
4. Getting to play Rock Band 2 with Guy after the event was over with.

Definitely looking forward to the next Paul-O-Palooza event.


I think you meant seeing BoostedKouki, and JeepsteR118 LOSING to Sean Love.

Ditto, can't wait for the next one!
I seriously have to give it to the Average Joe's for their defense. They had me in tears from how much they made me laugh. Congrats to them on their win. Some of the highlights for me was:

1. The mass amount of people that were there.
2. Getting traumatized by Pancho when he mooned everyone. (Actually, this isn't a highlight for me now that I think about it.)
3. Surprised me to see Mr. Sean Love, BoostedKouki, and JeepsteR118 playing.
4. Getting to play Rock Band 2 with Guy after the event was over with.

Definitely looking forward to the next Paul-A-Palooza event.


you love me shut up.. lol my defense worked on some of the plays.. not all like i hoped.. oh well.. to the next one..
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