because most JDMen dont have GFs... i present to you... Flip Hole by Tenga

Richie Presto

while reading my daily news i saw this crazy is shizzel... then it hit me like a shounen bat

- if you get what its for in the first second, you need a life
- if you get what it is within 2 min, your gonna spill milk from your nose
- if you dont get it at all... its ok... or is it?????

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i knew what it was in less then a second but it took me 10 min or so to decide if i sould reply. but all it needs now is a way to hook up to a computer and go with the motion of hentai and everyone in the world would have one.
i knew what it was in less then a second but it took me 10 min or so to decide if i sould reply. but all it needs now is a way to hook up to a computer and go with the motion of hentai and everyone in the world would have one.

LOL, yeh, it doesn't hook up to a computer... but im sure if it did... tentacle porn would go up in sales...

the first link is the SFW version...

and the 2nd link will school everyone on Tenga (it sure schooled me, and my pet dolphin) :laugh:
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It took me a while to find out what it was. Like I clicked on both links and read through the whole thing.

So it's a dolphin waxer? Ha.
LMAO that took a few mins for me to figure out but damn, this makes me wonder what 20 years will do to the industry :eek:
i saw 3 usb cables hooked up to it, and headphones. and then i saw something about dolphins chirping and translating the speech.. so from then on, i thought it was a toy for dolphin interaction. i had to read both links to get it. wtf @ confusing the shit out of me.
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