

so iv decided to rebuild my sr and i need to buy bearings once i plasticgauge and figure out what bearing i need were can i buy them? are they the same as ka bearing
holy crist cant you keep all your shit in one thread instead of making a fucking new one for every little thing.

and if you have to ask the question then you shouldnt be working on it. you also need to do more then buy bearings.
^^ so u know everything right? and never learned once? dude ur a douche! :bigthumbu

did i ever mention knowning everything? this kid makes a new thread every second for every little thing. i said to keep all his shit into one thread. obviously he knowns nothing at all about working on a motor or a car for that matter. why dont you be a cupcake and go help him since he needs someone to show him how to do things

also make note, that had he fucking serched for 2 seconds im sure he would have found his answer about the gawd damn bearings.

thanks for trying come back again "douche"
well considering i cant post after myself in any of my theads it just turns it all into one post also i did search and came up with nuthing
holy fucking shit... within 2 seconds litterly of typing in sr20det bearings on google i got this

which tells you clearly what applications these bearings fit. but like i said since you dont know what your doing... you first need to take the fucking motor out of the car then you need to take the fucking oil pan off and see what the hell is wrong... could be the fucking crank could be rod bearings... is your crank fucking toasted does it need to be machined. bla bla bla bla... which is why i said in the first place you have no buissness doing this.

and so what keep all your shit into one thread... start a build thread i dont care. this is getting really retarded seeing you start threads like they owe you money.
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