Barbershop Boxing


I was about to get my haircut when this other barber kid was talking junk saying that he would take anyone on blah blah blah. so they said for me to box him. I agreed. Now I haven't boxed anyone in ages and my left knee is messed up from surgery so thats why i look so stiff. It was a regular little match and no I dont think I'm a "ROCKY." just for chits and giggles.. (im wearing no headgear)

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lol, your jabs was messing him all up and you could tell you had power behind some of your hits but he was just flailing like my little sister just swinging his arms.

should have gotten the cut for free
Haha yeah his nose was jacked up and both his eyes were puffy. I really didn't think he was going to swing like that either. I wish I had both knees to. If he didn't have the football helmet on I would have done more damage but oh well. Thanks dudes.
lmao! glad u won that cause it would suck going to get ur haircut n then get ur ass wooped.

I got to make sure I'm not on ur shit list.
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