auto bailout ad


a group of lawyers is printing this ad in several magazines and news papers trying to stop the bailout i died laughing when my dad showed it to me.

^true, they are the only ones who seem to have a decent plan and they have the capital to survive.
well that and they are no longer accepting the bail out money. And even then they werent really accepting, they just wanted the cash just incase.
fucking genius. i know itd be bad for the american cars to die but in all honesty, the companies need to man the fuck up and understand that they ARE inferior to japanese cars at the moment
I like the ad....very blunt.
Our tax dollars are gonna be used to keep the fat paychecks in the Ford, GM, and Chrysler
executives pockets while it defenitely isnt going to give back the thousands of jobs theyve cut.
Ppsshh Mutherfuckers.
Fuck them....
It's sad to have to see the big 3 go down in flmaes, but It's there own dam fault. It's like a kid, If you don't let him get beat up a few times, he'll never learn to defend himself.
They deserve to go out of business for over pricing there cars and making them with such LOW quality. My mom has a 08' Explorer Sport Trac and the plastic cover on the visor fell off the other day.....P.O.S!!!
i cant talk shit my ford explorer has been through ABUSE and always ran hard

it is kinda true though we areeee americans lol lets all jump on cobras and z28s O_O
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