Are gas prices a problem?

Gas prices are seriously why I'm looking for a more fuel efficient car, if not a motorcycle. But damn that thing is TINY!!! Will my Go-Ped motor fit? lol

YES. yes they are. Invest in exxon-mobil, oil companies are reporting record profits.

Record profits... Hmmmm.... Profits from raising our gas prices? Those assholes...
Yeah they dont need to raise the gas prices. Its just another way for the rich to get richer and the poor to get poorer. Therefore crime is going thru the roof in south florida because people cant afford to live here with the gas prices and low paying jobs. People think L.A. is bad wait a few more years we'll be right next to them as far as gang activity, crime rates, and murders
That shit was hilarious!!! LMAO!

And gas companies are reising gas prices because we are running out of oil...thats in a liquid state. In Alberta, Canada there is a FLorida sized amount of soil that contains oil but takes more work and money to take that oil away from the dirt. So right now yea theyre being assholes, but theyre just preparing us for when we DO run out of oil they can easily survive if they start extracting it from the dirt.
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