Anthony Swan

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I can bet that this bitch is still on this forum after all this and soon there will be another thread about his bitch ass. I'll admit he got me with the whole cluster shit, but if he's gonna lie about something to get a fucking $75.00 Turbo Timer then he is pretty low to begin with. It just shows you what kind of a person he is. The fact of the matter is that he will never have any respect from the drifting community and with the kind of cheating habits that he has he will never amount to anything in his life either, hes gonna be a 50 year old "entrepreneur" ripping off kids who don't know much about the used parts that he gathers from the long run his future is fucked unless he changes his ways.

how are u going to talk for everyone else? as far as i see ur just a spectator, and like i and many other people said we havent had a problem yet i got plenty of stuff from him and nothing has ever been bad nor did he try to rip me off
Look, hes your friend and I can understand you defending him, but I have only stated facts. He is a joke and that is all he will ever be. I can bet you that this guy has threads posted about him on any major 240sx/drifting website out there. There is a reason for that. Things don't just keep happening for no reason. It is obvious that he was at fault when so many things keep coming up about the same guy. Why is it that there are barely any negative reviews for other people that buy and sell regularly? Liars and cheaters never get any real respect from anyone and nor do they deserve it. That's why he has to create aliases to get on these forums because he will not be allowed on here if he says who he is. I don't think I need to elaborate any further on this topic or about his character;topic=5364.0
All of the above are warnings about Anthony swan in the first page of a google search about him. and there are about 5 or 6 different threads about him on here as well.......Yeah hes a great guy!
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i think we all get it hes a scammer, his addy and all that crap is posted if u feel so strongly do something if not leave the guy alone, if u got conned into believing something then thats ur fault u live and u learn
OK, so I am expected to go to this guys house and beat him up over $75.00, and then get a nice ride in a cop car over to Gunclub. If you seriously think that its worth it for the $75 then you are childish and need to take a look into the real world.
Look, hes your friend and I can understand you defending him, but I have only stated facts. He is a joke and that is all he will ever be. I can bet you that this guy has threads posted about him on any major 240sx/drifting website out there. There is a reason for that. Things don't just keep happening for no reason. It is obvious that he was at fault when so many things keep coming up about the same guy. Why is it that there are barely any negative reviews for other people that buy and sell regularly? Liars and cheaters never get any real respect from anyone and nor do they deserve it. That's why he has to create aliases to get on these forums because he will not be allowed on here if he says who he is. I don't think I need to elaborate any further on this topic or about his character;topic=5364.0
All of the above are warnings about Anthony swan in the first page of a google search about him. and there are about 5 or 6 different threads about him on here as well.......Yeah hes a great guy!
first he isnt my friend i just buy stuff from him and sell stuff from him if u and ur little friend are going to sit here and talk shit about someone over the internet and not go to his house ( when u have his adress and everything else u need to know)and do something about or other wise just STFU!

as for the OP it gets really anyonnying when i see threads about Anthony from the same guy over and over again u got fucked get over it or do something stop begin a little Ethug
Bitch Please........STFU with that ethug shit, maybe if you get his cock out of your throat long enough you'll be able to say something that will make some when your done T-bagging each other why dont you tell his bitch ass to pick up the fucking fone when I call him to get my about that?! This bitch ass friend of yours is a big fucking PUSSY, and he won't return my phonecalls, you have a problem with me come say to face to face. I was stating facts until you got butt hurt about your fuck buddy AnthonySwan and started talking shit.
His addy is there. $50 or $500 I would have went to his house already and talked to him in person
Bitch Please........STFU with that ethug shit, maybe if you get his cock out of your throat long enough you'll be able to say something that will make some when your done T-bagging each other why dont you tell his bitch ass to pick up the fucking fone when I call him to get my about that?! This bitch ass friend of yours is a big fucking PUSSY, and he won't return my phonecalls, you have a problem with me come say to face to face. I was stating facts until you got butt hurt about your fuck buddy AnthonySwan and started talking shit.

OP mean original poster u dumb fuck that wasnt to u, but talk face to face i have no problem but doubt u would show saying u have anthonys address and still havent showed ur bitch ass around there, want my address pm me :bigthumbu i am down to talk face to face anytime anyday
I knew you would fag I said, another e-thug fag, your pathetic, I'll be at the Billiards place behind Island Jacks in about 20 mins if you change your time you talk shit make sure you got the balls to back yourself up.
^^ Yea, you and secretss2k had your thing once... never happened though. I was gonna film it!!
But you also were going to shoot him if he came in your yard Jeremy... thats kinda unfair. I was gonna get Paul Sacumbopers so the fist fight would be more evenly matched but you refused lol.
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