Another reason Cops Fail...

i always act like a pussy to get out of tickets never do i disrespect. this guy asked me if i had any drugs or weapons and i was like no sir hes like do u mind if i search your vehicle and i said yes i do mind das all thats my right i didnt wanna wait for his ass to find nothing. so when he gave ME a hassle i all of a sudden had alllll the time in da world i was doing nothing wrong so i let him go at my z for a good 3 hours lol warrants a sniffing dog checked EVERYTHINGGGGGGG lol guy had a face like he was gonna kill me there was 4 of us in my z (2+2) and 1 of my friends was 22 the guy was basically fucked it was great i laughed da whole times guille had a similar encounter but they never put me in cuffs like him
^^^ Yeah that usually works lol ;) . I have to say what he said is true, just become Mr. Nice with proper english and theres a good chance you'll be ok. The instant you don't bother them or pose any sort of threat they will chill out. . .a little. Its more the luck of the draw sort of thing, you never know what cop you'll get. The guys in the graveyard shift must see some crazy stuff.
I hear thats how TJ acts when he pulls people over......when he's no sitting on his ass on the puter that is....j/k. :p

On a serious note, I think it would have happened diffrently if he would have not giving him the attitude in the beginning. But what do I know.
honestly, I think the video is bullshit. but meh I know cops like this so im not gonna argue.

Its people like this that make me rethink my profession. I would rather be in another civil service like a firefighter or EMT *which I really need to finish* My line of work is extremely rewarding, but the hassle is sometimes too much. because of people like this I am also this kind of cop to the general public. They dont understand that some people are meant to wear the badge and people who dont.
kwkouki said:
honestly, I think the video is bullshit. but meh I know cops like this so im not gonna argue.

Its people like this that make me rethink my profession. I would rather be in another civil service like a firefighter or EMT *which I really need to finish* My line of work is extremely rewarding, but the hassle is sometimes too much. because of people like this I am also this kind of cop to the general public. They dont understand that some people are meant to wear the badge and people who dont.

its real...look
charlie a.k.a. chuck said:
cops respect me, probably because i change their oil and talk to them respectfully.
chuck remember that night we got pulled over in front of flanagan and the cop was like do you have any drugs on you and he called you big boy lmao after i ask him why he pulled me over he said do you want a ticket i was like no officer have a great night lmao
I just don't trust cops, I show them respect, but I never trust them:
I was in a 24 hour Walmart Supercenter parking lot one night (10pm) and got arrested for being there. I had stopped to let my friend go inside to go to the bathroom, then this cop pulls up. I started to run, but then I thought: my dad's a cop here, I'm not doing anything wrong, so no reason to run...

He says," what are you doin' here?
I say, "My friend went inside to go to the bathroom,"
him: "Yeah I've heard that before"
he precedes to put me in cuffs/read my rights...then my friend comes back,
cop: "Who are you and what are you doin here?"
she says: "I'm with him, I went to the bathroom"
cop: "Yea right" turns to me and says "can you call someone to get your car?"

So I have my friend take my car home and get my dad, my dad comes down and bails me out of jail, and I was told by the police to never go to that walmart again and if I so much as not use a blinker correctly I'll go to jail...

Turns out the cop was some new guy, brought in like 10 ppl that weekend for basically the same reasons.
Douchebags most of them i swear. Its sad and scary to think that these are the group of people we call for an emergency. Im not saying all of them but close to the majority.
even if the kid gave the cop attitude the cop is the one supposedly were the ones trained to handle situations and deal with people i think that cop fails at his job
240 drifter said:
chuck remember that night we got pulled over in front of flanagan and the cop was like do you have any drugs on you and he called you big boy lmao after i ask him why he pulled me over he said do you want a ticket i was like no officer have a great night lmao
well thats pembroke pines police. im talking about fhp and davie
speaking of cops.. there are 10 helicopters flying over my neighborhood.. supposedly a guy from miami shot 4 officers, with one dead, and is somewhere in my area 0_0
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