Another reason Cops Fail...

Yea e30G sent it my way too, I don't get it though. Why does he have a camara in his car filming him randomly?

Anyways, as soon as the cop came up to him he was like "I can't park here? Why can't I park here" first fail. You wanna give the cop lip, then prepare for an assramming.
wow, so the cop shot the kid put him in the trunk and drove to canada, got plastic surgery and changed his name to rupert. i know that this has nothing to do with the video but i dont see the difference between this cop and most other cops. always trying to shove there weight around, i cant stand pigs
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natariix said:
Yea e30G sent it my way too, I don't get it though. Why does he have a camara in his car filming him randomly?

Anyways, as soon as the cop came up to him he was like "I can't park here? Why can't I park here" first fail. You wanna give the cop lip, then prepare for an assramming.

did you read the story? It was a public lot open 24/7 and he was just meeting someone there.. it doesnt matter if he said go fuck ur mother... the cop had no right... also that cop was outta jurisdiction anyways.. just another douche flexing his muscle

No matter what anyone says that whole thing was uncalled for..
Yea it was uncalled for, but on both parts. You don't give cops attitude right off the bat, and the cop shouldn't have flown off the handle like that.
lmao for real e30 sent this to me also lol watch part 3 of that vid cop got unpaid administrative leave hahahaahahh fukin owned ive told a cop he couldnt search my car i was in no hurry lol home boy called dogs found nothing chcked all my lights tints exhaust height everything lol
FOUND NOTHING wasted 3 hours of his life........i laughed da whole 3 hours lol
jdmnismo300 said:
lmao for real e30 sent this to me also lol watch part 3 of that vid cop got unpaid administrative leave hahahaahahh fukin owned ive told a cop he couldnt search my car i was in no hurry lol home boy called dogs found nothing chcked all my lights tints exhaust height everything lol
FOUND NOTHING wasted 3 hours of his life........i laughed da whole 3 hours lol

Wait. You told them they couldn't search it and then they went and did? Theyre not allowed to do that, you don't have to let them search the car without a real reason.
I learned in US Government that you do not have to allow a search. Its a question they ask, but it isnt in the law that they can.
thats gay... I doubt they got a warrant.. did they show you? (chinese menu from Training day) lol :) but yeah.. they dont need warrants... they are the law.. they do wutever they pleeze.. and guess what... they always win...

that was a nice cop, for one.

there are much worse stories. if that cop was a dick. that kid would have went to jail, and that camera would have never been found. i personally know cops who have messed up peoples lives just for fun, because they acted smart with them. its messed up but aint shit anyone can do about it.

i believe all smart mouth pricks should be arressted. you have no idea what cops go through on a daily basis.

people cant just be humble. they are the law, respect them, and 99% of the time they will respect you. easy as that.
jdmnismo300 said:
where the fuck do u live?

im white :)

no but seriously. you WILL run into more problems if you have an attitude with them...thats a fact.

i have done work for several cops and they've told me stories about fucking kids over(planting evidence, lying about resisting arrest, etc...) so just a heads up, one day you'll smart off to the wrong cop and he will knock that chip off your shoulder. sitting a night in jail, court dates, fines blah blah blah all for wanting to act like Billy Badass suddenly seems like its not worth it.
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