411 on moroso event


Hannu Tervola Drifter
06-23- moroso videos of final 4

ok. the event vent well. actually it vent exeptionally well.
drivers were acting so pro level that it impressed me a lot.
big thank you for you guys for making it easy for us.

and then little clearing up on the competition.
i'm sorry for the black out on the judging.
(antti told me you guys were pissed of of the judging)
we judged only the area that we had a clear view of so if anybody spinned or got of the track before or after the judging area, it ditnot count.

the judging begun at middle of the first big right hand sweeper, and endet where the yellowish tire wall endet, and started again at yellowish tires when you game back and endet at middle of the last left hand sweeper.
and this was because we couldn'd see your lines or angle from the other side.

so i'm wery sorry that the drivers didn't get the info for that before the competition.

i'm posting videos of final runs so you guys can see that judging was on the spot.

hopefully this will not happend again.

Hannu Tervola


Zoltan Hajdu

Juan Henao

Travis Deemes

Kyle Lauritano
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Do you have my final run???

Wait... Zoltan spun at the end and still got 1st place? Wtf... where did I place then? My last run had a spin on the same place and I thought I was flawless on the whole run.
rwdrift said:
Do you have my final run???

Wait... Zoltan spun at the end and still got 1st place? Wtf... where did I place then? My last run had a spin on the same place and I thought I was flawless on the whole run.

you dit not run your qualifing runs?????????
you had your warm up run your one qualif and then you stopped????????
why you didn't advance ask you self dude.

you were in 4th place after first cualing run. then you gave up.
It was hard to figure out when they were actually qualifying, and when they were just practicing. The word in the pit was that people were having one more practice, then a qual, which is where I saw a few people stop, to save tire (dunno if that helps defend anyones case) BUT, the judging was from the middle of the first corner, which means it stopped at the middle of the first corner so where Zoltan spun out wasn't part of the judged area
I think it would be nice if they could build a stand in the center of the track in the grass. That way judges could see the entire track and judge accordingly.
the event was the shit but the tire walls to reduce speed need to be replaced with cones that was a dangerous barrier that my car found cuz my tie rod broke if thos tiers wernt there i would have wound up in the grass and able to continue driveing since i hade back up tie rods and tension rods but eather way i love you guys at ter-tech big ups
but next time no fucken tire walls
cones please

rwdrift said:
I rather just see the track repaved first.

what for the surfice on that track is perfict most of us dident even go tru two sets of tires so why are you crying??
FlyinFINN said:
Get a razor or something next time then.

Or a segue, lol

do you have the other videos of the other drivers i would love to view mine so i could save it on my comp *** silver miata*** video please
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