3 things you (dis)liked about OSW?

rememberthat ladder that was left on the wall and marc fuck up his green hatch when he hit it?

And it happened right after one of those stupid long safety meeting
Whoa whoa, that wasn't me that hit the ladder! That was my cuz bill in his blue coupe. Only thing I ever hit at osw was the wall in a high 3rd ass grind!

But getting that said, my likes on osw
1. Old osw days were awsome, people, cars b.s
2. Some of the fastest 3rd links Ive done locally besides off ramps.
3. Many different track layouts that always included a bank.
4. All paved pit area.

The negatives are basically the same an been said, I miss osw days and had alot of fun there. We all have hated on it at time but didn't know what we had locally till it was gone.

But cfrc is stepping up big time, and I'm loving that venue since the new layout.
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IT was cold as fuck when I went. sucked

Got in a fender waiting in line. sucked

Watching DADO drift a s13.5 was bad as fuck.

Fuck that place
+ great safe place too get seat time
advanced bank sliding
good times

- Josh sucked
Josh lit firecrackers on people
Pulled Josh's card and i got removed from Fl Drift and is but buddy sight.
ovals just get boring after awhile especially when its just an open practice session
Yeah I was pretty pumped on the shower curtain stalls, and the one time they painted our tires/wheels at tech.
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