2 of Raw Meat Crew...

First shot looks great. Can't point out any flaws in the composite either.

In the second one i'm not sure what that yellow thing is to the left of the shot but its distracting.
for some reason. maybe my screen at work is too cheap lol. but they look photoshopped to hell...like in the first one his hand doesnt look like its on the floor it looks like its two different pictures. and on the second one where the guy is standing...like it looks like its not really on the ground.
Zack now that you say that, I changed the angle of my laptop, I see the box around the moon.

Jeepster, only the first one is a composite. He dropped in the background and the moon. The guys hand is planted on the ground and the other guy isn't floating.
i went on my gf's pc and i saw the box. thats my bad. on my mac i dont see it. but ah i guess lesson learned. ill fix it though. thanks


how does it look here.
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I did the same thing too. I thought I had a completely black background and then I sent the picture to a friend. He was like dude whats all that mess behind the model. I was using my work computer and the colors on that were horrible.
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