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  1. sidewayz bo

    Just a few pics from CFRC - 15th i have at least some pictures of i think every car, so if you like what you see and want more just pm me and i can email you pictures of your car in full size, stupid Flickr wouldn't let me put them all up.
  2. sidewayz bo

    Nissan 240sx Locost Build

    Found this stumbling around the other day, not a finished build but it looks pretty sick, tons of fab work http://
  3. sidewayz bo

    Pentax? Canon?

    anyone ever use Pentax cameras before? any opinions? they're a bit cheaper than Canon and Nikon i've noticed and wondering what (if any) downfalls to them are.... trying to get into a little photography on a high school budget lol so any info is appreciated
  4. sidewayz bo

    tune on non-240's

    so i have a 98' escort zx2 (trash basically) but it's running weird and i was just thinking, is it possible to have like regular daily drivers re-tuned or just tuned in general? or is that strictly aftermarket car business?
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