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    Kat Williams LMAO

    Oscar, you're a grouch. ...bitch, I live in a fucking trashcan! Always loved that part :laugh:
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    Kat Williams LMAO

    Too bad it's not the full show, shit was hilarious.
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    largest swimsuit photo shoot

    Indeed ;)
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    Beyonce unhurt......

    Forgot what site it was and thought it was real for a second.
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    whats the fastest youve ever been caught speeding?

    143 in a 55 What sucked was the speedo still had a little room to go :p
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    Things that pissed u off the most!!!!

    Bullshit harrassment and tickets to go with it. calling her a bitch probably didn't help either
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    Xtreme Karting 8/29 8o clock???

    Nuetral, because I sure as hell am not driving that far for some karting :D
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    Xtreme Karting 8/29 8o clock???

    ('twas a joke ;)) It'd be funny to see some forum/forum competition.
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    Xtreme Karting 8/29 8o clock???

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    ls7 TT....SEX

    Could be going into a truck or something. This looks a little more fitting due to their placement... On second thought, I doubt that's going back in a Corvette either, too far apart :o
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    please photochop

    The best tutorial website I know of. More specifically - Now, they tell you to use the Lasso tool (ALT + click), I don't do this. I instead create a duplicate layer, zoom in, and erase the...
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