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  1. H

    Paint & Stickers

    Can anyone recommend where can i get custom stickers done locally? Like windshield stickers with flakes and what not? Also what places can i get paint with flakes? Please & thank you. :)
  2. H

    This guy...

    YouTube - DriftSquids CRAZY entry into turn 1 at Winton
  3. H

    Chassis Welding

    Couple of things i would like to know if im gonna get this done by someone else: Where can i go to get this done? What's the price range? I live in the miami area. lmk, thank you.
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    240sx Odometer Rollback

    I have a cluster that i will be replacing for the car but the mileage is different from the original one, Does anyone know how to rollback the odometer step by step? There is a post on nicoclub but it doesn't give you details on how to do it, only thing it said is to use a drill to spin the...
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    In a hurry.

    Yeah i know its kinda pointless but captured at the right time.
  6. H

    Coilover Rebuild

    I have a set of Kei Office XR's and sadly the fronts are leaking :(, Is there a place where i can get them rebuild? I've been doing some research and some of the answers weren't accurate, i posted here if any of you guys can help me out. Thanks.
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    Bought a pair from him for the event last night, cool dude to chill he also lend me his helmet for a buddy of mine to ride along. Thanks elliot you saved the day! lolz :bigthumbu
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    Got back from getting my diff welded, cool ass dude would love to hang out more (no homo :laugh:) Thank you very much estie! :bigthumbu
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    Power Out In SFL

    WTF happended? All around sfl without powerz and cops everywhere, whats going on? My Pc almost got fried.... lol :ugh:
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    Happy B-day slidewayz240sx

    YEAH!!! --Happy Birthday Dood!-- :bday::bigthumbu
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    Jdm with Ls1 Engines

    Some videos i found, couldnt find any more like these. EVO with a v8 supercharged LS1 swap LS1 V8 RX7 autoxing with a few spins and some drift action...
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