

Dear Drifters,

Let me preface my message to you with a bit of information:

According to the Department of Justice guideline (to police) for dealing with street racing, helping to create legal racing programs is the 9th most effective way of dealing with the problem! That means there are 8 unpleasant ways that they will likely choose to deal with street drifting before helping to give us more legal events. Illegal street drifting can also have a negative impact on the few legal events we have available to us now.

I love drifting, and I know many of you do too. With the release of Fast and the Furious 3 upon us, it is time for drifters to do their part to protect the sport we love. So, how can you help? By educating the public.

*First, post this information on any car forum, myspace group or online car community that you visit.

*Second, link everyone you know that you think might see the movie to www.driftsafe.org

*Third, visit the 'Promote' section of www.driftsafe.org where you can find flyers (made by club4AG members) that you can print out and hand out at the movie.

*Fourth, contribute your thoughts, concerns, solutions and artwork to help us improve www.driftsafe.org

Thank you for reading and I hope that if you love drifting, you will help in some way.


Drift Safe aims to educate the fans, public and would be drifters about the Consequences of illegal drifting, including; the effect of illegal drifting has on the sport of drifting, consequences for individuals who participate in illegal drifting, the realities of drifting and the laws pertaining to illegal drifting.

Drift Safe is also a resource for those interested in becoming involved in legal drifting (as a fan or driver) and those already involved in drifting. We provide information on how to get involved with legal local events (for drifters and fans) and how to attend sanctioned professional events (for fans).
hahahahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahahahahhhahahhahaahahahahhahahahahahahaahahahlmaohahaahahahahahahhahaahhahahahaahrolfhahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahhahhahahahah..............................cough.....hahaahahahahahahaahahahahahahaahhaahahahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahahahaharolf....damn www.driftsafe.org vs Joshua Sher. i guess right after we all move to south cali we will all have events and tracks and instructors and sponsors and groupies. damn just sounds so easy.
its not easy, but the more the help the better.

Quit being such a ****cheese............whats the worst that can happen with this?

The goal for this sounds easy, but it worked for skate parks. It just took forever to catch on.
kwkouki said:
its not easy, but the more the help the better.

Quit being such a ****cheese............whats the worst that can happen with this?

The goal for this sounds easy, but it worked for skate parks. It just took forever to catch on.

Well, with a drifting movie, and all this attention from the media, I am sure there will be more drift events. As much as it sucks, because of all these kids will make us look bad, it's gonna be good. We might just get drifting back in South Florida back.
kwkouki said:
no we might get stupid kids crashing cars on the streets and parking garages.

Still going to make us look bad. They are "drifters" and we are drifters. Same word, different meaning, but people are not gonna care about the meaning. They will see one "drifter" acting stupid, and then they will think all drifters are like that.
i dont care what the movie does cuz I know what drifting is and what it's meant to be and who really gets down with charlie brown
indeed, its east to distinguish the grass root drifters and the bandwagoners.

the BWers cars look better :laugh:
kwkouki said:
86s arent ugly, dents add character. missing body panels is like no clothing

What about rust holes? Do those look sexy too. I want those import model *****es all over my car when I go to Hot Import Nights. So I need to know if rust holes attract import model *****es.
with the upcoming movie, i feared it would cause the same impact as the first 2 movie w/ aspect of drag racing... im glad that someone or some group has decided to create awareness...
i support driftsafe on every level!!

Live life Sidewayz... Drifting's not a Crime!!
truenoae86 said:
with the upcoming movie, i feared it would cause the same impact as the first 2 movie w/ aspect of drag racing... im glad that someone or some group has decided to create awareness...
i support driftsafe on every level!!

Live life Sidewayz... Drifting's not a Crime!!
all this from a guy who doesnt drift. LMAO!!!!!! no need to worry about them giving safe events 3000 miles away if you don't actually drift i guess.
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