what the fuck is wrong with the stupid sfl owner

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:mad::mad:whos great fucking idea was it to delete the sales section.
why would u not want us to have deals and make money.
this is the drift community.understand community it is to help ur fellow drifter
u are just making everyone around u mad. i know we got craigslist and ebay but theres things that u just cant find there and u can here. plus everything i would sell something it was like making a new friend.ur just herting the site
.so now why even come back to this site??? tell me cuz i can watch videos on youtube and talk shit anywhere in the great usa. so sfl owner go fuck urself and im pretty sure ima be kicked out for this but this website is useless now!!!
The for sale section is still there, you just cant see it because your not a full member yet.

Furthermore if all you want this forum for is the for sale section we really dont want you here anyway.
someone should shoot his kid

i needed that... thanks!!!!

if only he really knew "THE OWNER" .... oh wait if he would even come to events he wouldnt be having this problem and he would get to know some really cool people... but now its kinda tooo late!
U fuck!ng retard.

Just made the biggest idiot of your self.

And that's why we made that change so stupid new members like you don't just sign up to sell your shitty parts. We don't need tht or you buddy.

read this bro

I'm new here and I dont mind not being able to buy or sell anything. Thats not the point of this site. This sites about drifting not selling crap.

You do know too that if you go to an event, you could fill out a drifter or spectator application? Then you could access your beloved for sale thread.

Oh and dont complian about not having enough money to spectate, because if you dont have enough money to spectate then you dont have enough money to drift.
there is a sticky that has been coming up for the past 2 weeks anytime you look at recent threads about not being able to sell until your post count goes up. you are a retard
wow... you should read more before you jump to conclusions. and if that's the only reason you joined the forum then you shouldn't be here to be honest.
:mad::mad:whos great fucking idea was it to delete the sales section.
why would u not want us to have deals and make money.
this is the drift community.understand community it is to help ur fellow drifter
u are just making everyone around u mad. i know we got craigslist and ebay but theres things that u just cant find there and u can here. plus everything i would sell something it was like making a new friend.ur just herting the site
.so now why even come back to this site??? tell me cuz i can watch videos on youtube and talk shit anywhere in the great usa. so sfl owner go fuck urself and im pretty sure ima be kicked out for this but this website is useless now!!!

wanna fight?

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