Turn around cones used as tactics???

Should drivers be limited to the amount of restarts in a row?

  • Yes

    Votes: 19 76.0%
  • No

    Votes: 6 24.0%

  • Total voters

Elliot G

This past weekend was Formula D Throwdown in Monroe, Washington. There were many great moments throughout the event such as JLowe finally making it to Top 16. And there were also many upsets, like the questionable two tire ruling. But by far the biggest issue I saw over the course of the event was the turn around cone on the straight.

Now the turn around cone is a "point of no return" marker for the drivers. It allows for driver who feel they goofed up a start or got an unfair start to stop, turn around and get a do over. The reasoning behind the cone, is due to the fact that Formula D and its judges are pushing for close tandems for beginning to end. For the most part I agree with the idea of the cone because it keeps higher horsepower cars from rocketing off the start and intorducing 5 car+ gaps at high entry speed courses.

So lets skip over to the Conrad and Daigo battle. Now we now Conrad and Daigo have had some heated battles recently, and that tempers will flare. However what went down at Washington this weekend in Top 32 Battle between the two seemed very childish on Conrad's behalf.

As the two lined up their first run, with Daigo leading and Conrad giving chase, everything seemed normal. The starting tree was lit, then signals to go. Daigo begins to take off, but wait Conrad stays at the line. So not having cross the turn around cone, Conrad forces Daigo back to the line. They line up again, they get the light to go, but wait Conrad decides to stay back again.

So we all know exactly what the end result of the run was but, the question is, should drivers be limited to the number of restarts allowed in a row as to prevent them from using it as a tactic to unsettle other drivers?
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I think they should limit it to 1 restart per run. Other than that, I'm glad Conrad beat Daigo. Conrad's been cheated in the previous 2 events in my eyes.
They should use minimum of 200 restarts before every run this would keep the competition intresting and the oponent on his toes not knowing when the real deal is, it should be prefered to have enough restarts till the other driver runs out of gas and therefore forefits or looses. they also should take a bowling ball and show it up everyones ass anytime there is a restart I think the new rules are awesome and completely about drifting. Formula D rules!!!!
Googled this issue to find out more info and found this.

I didn't botch any of my starts. On the first start I knew in the first 10 feet that I was going to get smoked into the first turn. The second start was slightly better on his part but still was running away about 40 feet into it. Obviously the third start was acceptable. All three starts were as fast as my car can accelerate in a straight line, no excessive wheel spin or miss shifts.

The lead car isn't supposed to drag race to the first corner and leave the chase car behind. The judges tell us all the time its up to both drivers to get there at the same time. If the chase driver feels that isn't going to happen then we have to be stopped by the cone they put out. Almost all the drivers make sure the chase car is on their door about half way to the first turn before they lay into it. Tony B has 200+ more Hp than me but there were no issues when I ran against him.

Most likely there was a miss understanding in translation of what was expected from Daigo.

I hope you guys can understand why I stopped. If I was 5 car lengths back when we initiate I would be at fault for not being close enough which would have handed the win over to Diago.

Googled this issue to find out more info and found this.

I didn't botch any of my starts. On the first start I knew in the first 10 feet that I was going to get smoked into the first turn. The second start was slightly better on his part but still was running away about 40 feet into it. Obviously the third start was acceptable. All three starts were as fast as my car can accelerate in a straight line, no excessive wheel spin or miss shifts.

The lead car isn't supposed to drag race to the first corner and leave the chase car behind. The judges tell us all the time its up to both drivers to get there at the same time. If the chase driver feels that isn't going to happen then we have to be stopped by the cone they put out. Almost all the drivers make sure the chase car is on their door about half way to the first turn before they lay into it. Tony B has 200+ more Hp than me but there were no issues when I ran against him.

Most likely there was a miss understanding in translation of what was expected from Daigo.

I hope you guys can understand why I stopped. If I was 5 car lengths back when we initiate I would be at fault for not being close enough which would have handed the win over to Diago.

I got the feeling this was the case when in the third attempt Conrad did the equivalent of a false-start in drag racing. Basically his V8 was not enough against the mighty 2JZ. Whether or not he purposely did it to screw with Daigo's head is uncertain. If in fact Daigo misinterpreted the rules regarding the turn around cone then he wasn't the only one as Yoshioka admitted it when he went up against Tony Angelo. I guess the drivers should get better translators?

But to answer the OP's question, yes there should be a limit so there's no abuse even though I didn't feel like most drivers were taking advantage of it.
the way i see it its like in drag racing when u pre stage and stage there should be something like that but fd is taking the fun out of drifting imo i have mixed opinions on this
I agree to the part where both drivers need to make an effort in staying close to eachother . But only in the first turn . If you can't keep up at least follow the line not cut the corner like the judges want people to do .

Also take that whole turn around cone off its kinda like a omt but before you even start . Like in drag racing or any other racing sport if you fall behind you have a lot to make up .

Daigo was nice enough to stop when he noticed ( who was it ) in road Atlanta didn't take off behind him . Anyone else would of kept going IMO . To say he "drag races" to the first turn might be true but it's your fault for being slow

Ryan never complained because he didn't have enough power in long beach when people would smoke him He just went agressive on his initiations to keep up
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I got the feeling this was the case when in the third attempt Conrad did the equivalent of a false-start in drag racing. Basically his V8 was not enough against the mighty 2JZ. Whether or not he purposely did it to screw with Daigo's head is uncertain. If in fact Daigo misinterpreted the rules regarding the turn around cone then he wasn't the only one as Yoshioka admitted it when he went up against Tony Angelo. I guess the drivers should get better translators?

But to answer the OP's question, yes there should be a limit so there's no abuse even though I didn't feel like most drivers were taking advantage of it.

The thing was that they said the cone is not a pace cone, yet in a way it sort of is. Also in a sport in which part of the judging criteria is on how close you come to your qualifying speed, its seems like nonsense to slow down for the guy behind you. It was also mentioned that if the chase driver needed to jump the start in order to keep up with the lead car, than it was to be allowed. That is where I think the miscommunication, if any, would be between the two.
They should use minimum of 200 restarts before every run this would keep the competition intresting and the oponent on his toes not knowing when the real deal is, it should be prefered to have enough restarts till the other driver runs out of gas and therefore forefits or looses. they also should take a bowling ball and show it up everyones ass anytime there is a restart I think the new rules are awesome and completely about drifting. Formula D rules!!!!

whats with the Swed flag?
Like what Elliot said . How can you make entry speed when you have to slow down for chase car ? Maybe if all this is an issue they should make classes in HP +300hp +600hp +800hp

Two things
1 keep this on topic, i dont wanna read you retards arguing about banning someone
2 FD judging has been full of massive sucking and getting worse.
And fnkhard guys were very cool this past weekend. This forum is getting crazy with the hate lately.
"It's your fault for being too slow" ?

Well then it's Daigo's fault for not handling the pressure after 2 restarts.

You guys must have Aspergers or some shit.
I wanna see them go back to the old ways, run what your brung.

Some what agree. But I think this rule was done to also help some of the private guys who dont have the funds to build a high horse power car or afford to maintain one. Big sponsors do have there advantages.
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