This Sunday at Countyline...

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is no more
[/float]Special guest superstar Harri Tervola will be coming down to award FDC provisional licenses to Countyline's finest! Mr. Tervola will be looking for drivers that are ready to take it to the next level as they will have the opportunity to battle it out against Florida's best. Judging will take place mid-day for those who decide to take part in the contest. And the difficulty level of the track layout may increase to push the drivers to the limit.

Because of this, all vehicles entering in this weekend event will need to pass a rigorous tech inspection. Please contact Juan Henao or Moe@PRS to schedule an appointment to tech your vehicle. Or pass by the Wednesday meet at Starbucks to have your car inspected while mingling with your fellow enthusiasts. If you have any question, feel free to ask here. :thumbup:

Edit: For those wondering, here's the tech list:

1. Battery properly secured and positive terminal covered (NO BELTS, TAPE)
2. Engine compartment free of loose items (air filter, hoses, wires, etc)
3. No fluid leaks or exposed wires
4. Brake lights function properly (at least two red functioning brake lights)
5. Seat properly mounted and secure
6. Seatbelts properly mounted and secure
7. Brake pads and rotors in good condition
8. Wheels and wheel bearings are tight and road worthy
9. Windshield is free of cracks which might obstruct the driver's vision with atleast 1 functioning driver-side windshield wiper
10. Helmet is SNELL certified M95 or SA95 or newer and free of damageNO BICYCLE HELMITS!!!!
11. No loose items in passenger compartment or trunk
12. Roll bar in open cars is required

Edit2: Just wanted to remind those who are driving in this event of a couple of things:

1. There will be no tire changer at the event. If you have one and would like to bring it out to the track, please contact me ASAP.
2. Practice session will consist of 2 back-to-back runs per group. The format for the judged session will be announced at the event.
3. If you can't pass tech, don't be surprised if you're not allowed to slide until you fix the problems.

Also if anyone would like to volunteer or needs a media pass, contact me. Danke.
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damn we should have constant spectator discount lol.. if u go to 5 events continuously u pay 10 dollars until u miss one..
Foreal.cuz I have gone2da last 5 events @da countyline. From here on out they should like a card.and they stamp everytime there's a skidpad event. So when there's a big event at da skidpad us dedicated spectators should pay 10 bucs instead of 15. Any1 agree? =)
bums it cost money to throw these events and they rely on drivers and spectators to pay the bills its not like there is a large profit at most events
im just saying..I don't mind paying.cuz I haven't bn let down yet when it comes2going out there2spectate @county. Oh well...15 bucks it is.lmao.
bums it cost money to throw these events and they rely on drivers and spectators to pay the bills its not like there is a large profit at most events

Truth. The $5 extra you spend now will be $15 spending later in gas alone if Countyline shuts down. Because now you're driving to PBIR to spectate.
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