They just tried to steal my car!


It's 2:52 as I write this, the whole thing must have gone down around 2:16 because that's the time I have the call to 911 registered on my phone. I pulled into my friends neighborhood South Lake Villas off 157 SW. It was around 12:50 when I arrived and as I pulled in looking for a guest spot I saw a tow truck. I park with my license plate visible in a designated guest spot and as the guy is walking back to the tow truck I ask him if I'm in the right spot and if it's all good. He says yeah it's cool. I go inside. Around 2:10 estimated I hear my alarm pager give a warning, I get out of bed and start walking out to check on my car and that's when I hear the scraping sound as the guy takes off. I grab my phone and run out of the building chasing this guy. He pulls out of the neighborhood full speed with my car scraping real bad either cause he saw me or just to make a quick get away and I'm thinking I'm foked, but I pull out the phone and I call 911 while I'm running south on 157 ave SW and describe the situation. At this point I get my lucky break, I press the panic button and my alarm is blasting so the tow truck pulls into the Steak and Shake parking lot and I manage to catch up with him. At this point I'm telling the guy that he's stealing my car and that he had no right to tow my car specially after I asked him when I first arrived if I was O.K. and I made sure I was completely legally parked, I tell him the cops are on the way and he just looks at me like he's confused and then kind of like "fok I got caught" cops pull up 10 seconds later. They see my crazy barefoot, shirt less ass (picture a fatter Edward Norton in American History X) and pull me to the side. I explain to them the entire situation and they pull the guy to the side. I over hear them tell him something about this being their last warning and how this company apparently does this a lot. The officers make the guy release the car and tell me I'm good to go. I got pictures of the Tow Truck Number and the License Plate (ACE OF SPADES TOWING Truck # TL-5314 License plate E0290D), I ask them if there's a police report but they say since he is releasing the car there's really nothing to report. I ask them about going to the station to get one because from the way they guy dragged the front of my car I can already tell there's damage and they say that's fine I can go do a report for damage at the station. I get in my car go pick up my friend and her house and we go back to my place so I can give her a ride in the morning. My opinion is that this guy was not towing my car for any legal reason but it was actually to steal it. I obviously have no proof of this but if you just read la novela on top then you have the same info as me and you can give me your opinion. I'm definitely considering getting a lawyer involved.
ACE OF SPADES Towing guy tried to devo my ride and I gave everyone in Steak and Shake a show while I got it back. Need Internet Lawyers to advice. I'm foken awesome.
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i would fuck the shit out of him before cops arrive. lol .
good to heard that you got your car back.. now.. if you have some more damages what you want to fix..add those to this novela and make them pay for fixing! take some juice out of it.
Brother, trust me, it's not that I didn't want to pound the guy, but as I was running my happy ass chasing him I just went into emergency mode and stayed as Zen as I could while describing the situation to the cops. When I caught up to him he was about to get out of the truck to I guess disconnect the battery since the alarm went off but when he saw me coming he just closed the door. I was foken furious but I stayed calm and simply told him the cops where on the way and that he knew he had no reason to have my car. He just rolled up his window and I made a phone call but stayed right there so I had no need to do anything. I think if he had tried to get away from me there I would have gone full retard.
Good to hear you got your car back! I have heard of this happening more and more now. People wouldn't really question a tow truck driver if they towed a car away, well until they would see you running down the road barefoot with no shirt, lol. I have had my run ins as well and got my shit back so I know how it feels! I would definitely report that!

---------- Post added at 12:27 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:23 AM ----------

Brother, trust me, it's not that I didn't want to pound the guy, but as I was running my happy ass chasing him I just went into emergency mode and stayed as Zen as I could while describing the situation to the cops. When I caught up to him he was about to get out of the truck to I guess disconnect the battery since the alarm went off but when he saw me coming he just closed the door. I was foken furious but I stayed calm and simply told him the cops where on the way and that he knew he had no reason to have my car. He just rolled up his window and I made a phone call but stayed right there so I had no need to do anything. I think if he had tried to get away from me there I would have gone full retard.

Beware you never go full retard, ok well ya when sh1t like this goes down you do, haha
What really sets off alarms is how the guy reacted when I caught up to him. Usually Tow Truck drivers don't give a fok what you gotta say because if they towed you legally then there's nothing you can do about it hell, they can even call the cops because they are normally in their favor. But hey guys reaction was make a face like "oh shit, I got caught" and then he just rolled up his window and just sat there. Then like I said, I overheard the cop saying that apparently that company ACE OF SPADES and a sister company whose name I didn't hear do that shit all the time. The cop told the guy that if he did that shit again he would arrest him. I'm just saying it sounds to me like some shady shit is going on there. So hide yo kids and hide yo daughters and hide yo husbands and hide yo 240s cause they towing yo shit oerrr herrr.
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may be that company do that...not to steal your car..just to tow it and then charge you $200 to get your car back. cuz when the car is in their lot.. u cant do shit. they can said that your car was in a wrong parking. etc.. and because he told you that you were good parked there.. you dont have how to proof that.. but..let's stick with the plan that he wanted to steal your car! so get a report.. is something happend to your car in the future.. he's gonna be the number 1 suspect
Glad u got ur car back, I agree with cordobes, if he had been caught before stealing cars I'm sure they would have arrested by him by now, but he is probably just towing random cars just so he can get payed

But the whole situation sucks and the guy is an asshole for doing that
that sucks bro at least u wher able to get ur shit back
isnt this the same company we caught in ur neighborhood trolling? lookin to do the same, more or less at the same time too
Imo you're better off suing, then finding him. If you beat his ass now, don't count on getting anything out of it other than bruised knuckles lol
Damn dude, I'm not sure but I have a card from that guy that day. I have to find it and double check. Man, I'm foken thankful for alarms with pagers. I'm not going to do anything to that guy, it's pointless. I'm simply taking pictures, collecting witness statements from the people at the Steak and Shake, writing my statements and then I'm going to spend Monday filing the police report and finding myself a lawyer. But take this as a warning.

SPADE TOWING SERVICES is a shady towing company and if you park in any neighborhood they operate in I would suggest to really keep an eye on your car because once your car has been towed you have absolutely no proof they took it and then you are shit out of luck. So if you park anywhere SPADE TOWING SERVICES works, don't be surprised to find yourself running half naked against traffic trying to get your shit back.
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I'm pretty sure that in my apt complex, when a car is being towed for being illegally parked (like not in visitor parking or something) the tow truck driver has to take pictures of the car to prove it was illegally parked before they move it. I saw a driver doing that before towing a car away from next to my apt. just sayin. I would sue the company especially if there is damage because they have no proof that you were illegally parked.
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