Ter-Tech drift event at Moroso June 2nd.

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Just got back from Moroso and finalized the date for the next practise. Ter-Tech will have both the main track for the advanced and the skidpad for the beginners (which is good for high second and some third gear if needed). The date will be on June 2nd, 2007.
Gates open at 8am and stay open till 4pm we will have two different tracks at the same time, one is set up for beginners to learn the basics and slower speed drifting at the skidpad. Second will be the back portion of the road course which is a high speed track with mainly 3rd gear turns.

We will limit the max drivers to 60 meaning 30 per track. to give more seat time to all the drivers, The road course should run fast since there is no cones to hit = no cone runners neeeded.

We are working on a deal with the insurance company to allow tandem ( no guarantees yet) of course only the ones with rollcage will be allowed to tandem.

pre reg will open May 4th at 9pm drivers are $100 (includes one mechanic). spectators are $10. Will post more details as they become available to us. To pre reg. go to http://www.ter-tech.com
for directions to track and Track map go to http://www.morosomotorsportspark.com

For hotels or motels search in Jupiter, FL 33458 area it is close to the track.
Rob From STFUandDrive.com &
Doug Fresh From Hybrid-Performance.com will be providing free Food for Drivers only that would be awesome.
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The day finally came that we get a full on road course. That's awesome, I'll be saving money now and trying to gain more skill. :bigthumbu
you know there is a qualifier for nopi june 2nd anyway majority of smdg and night monkeys will probably be in GA june 2nd but either way have a fun event
ter-tech said:
we will have both the main road coarse (advanced) and the skidpad (beginners)


You guys rock! Harri you are da man. Every event by Ter-Tech is Milestone in SFL drifting history. Period.
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