*SUPER NWS* Badammnnn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *SUPER NWS*


CHAM CHILLA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

now fellas, what will ya'll do with these........
:eek: :eek: :eek:
Get out the lipo machines.....

trade them in for better looking hookers???

Take them out for chicken and ribs, then use them as bait while fishing for mako sharks?
i dont know how to NWS... sorry guys... if someone wants to do it for me, go for it, or tell me how too!!!!!
everyone is entitled to there own opinion.....with all due respect to you Rea .....those are some very very nicely shapen rear-ends....if i dont say so myself....
i agree that we all have our own opinion. but i have seen spanish asses that are very very shapely and damn sexy. i don't know....those booties scare me. they just look gross to me. maybe its cause i don't find strippers hot. i wish i had a booty, i am the most booty deprived spanish girl in the world. haha. i know there is better looky thick booty out there.

to each their own.
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