Stolen 2 Tone 240sx 1jz Swaped


He I will really thank anyone that could kkep an eye or give me any info on who tha f*&k stole my cousin's 2 tone coupe today, it was my brothers old car a green/grey coupe with sport max gun metal wheels and we just got done lst week doing a 1jz 5speed swap in it the car wa taken in Miami from a sheraton hotel secured parking lot.

need to post pix of the car ! so we know what to look for! i know its a two tone for all you smart asses but incase there are certain dents or different things on the car we need to be able to identify!
The hotel had new security cameras that didn't work at the time and the camera at thegate wasn't working (props to the hotel for that one) and the parking tickets says that not responsible for any theft or fire damages, so basically he is f*&ked unless something pops up wich I don't think is gonna happend.

The car was stolen within 1/2 an hour after he got to the hotel so is either he got followed there or someone he knew about the car, my bro will post some pictures of the car later on.

The work was done by me at R.A.W. Racing in Davie.
Where was he before the hotel? Anyone in specific from there that could have followed him there?




Thanks for looking!
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yea the peaple that worked on it more than likely or some chump fallowed you home from a ricer meet when will peaple learn dont pop your hoods and dont street race thats how your shit gets stolen
Flatline slider said:
yea the peaple that worked on it more than likely or some chump fallowed you home from a ricer meet when will peaple learn dont pop your hoods and dont street race thats how your shit gets stolen

It seems like the work was all done within the family. So I highly dount that.
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