palin makes sense!!




It's already made. Larry Flint owns the rights to it and it also has Condy Rice and Hillary Clinton look alikes in it. The one that looks like Palin is like her fucking twin.... She already has a bunch of stuff on

Don't ask me how I know.
It's already made. Larry Flint owns the rights to it and it also has Condy Rice and Hillary Clinton look alikes in it. The one that looks like Palin is like her fucking twin.... She already has a bunch of stuff on

Don't ask me how I know.

how you know? :D
chuck stop feeln all big and bad with ur off-topic mod powers!!! this is intresting info!!!!!! where would u like me to post this then?

what ever, could have posted it in the election thread. and your excesive use of the word noob is not needed, k thanks.
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Link to said porno.

lol if you have it send me it ill upload it to Bit torrent and seed for everyone so you can all watch! :bigthumbu
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