OMG Sick ass S13 with a special G Touch!!!


hahahahahaha baller......its pretty clean though!

i think i threw up a little in my mouth.... i would rather shit on that car then sit in that car.
ooohhh shittttt.... that my style of ride... that shits awesome, good find bro!!

i miss my cutlass on D's =(
dude take back the crome fender liner things and in in there, then again i'm mexican .... so w/e
and michelle u don't know but that's the look in japan right now and i like it!
stlthftr1 said:
dude take back the crome fender liner things and in in there, then again i'm mexican .... so w/e
and michelle u don't know but that's the look in japan right now and i like it!

it's the look in mexico
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