Old School 1980 Audi Quattro drift .. wow ..

Now, I like Jay's old "General Li" better than any other vehicle sporting the #1 (you should know who Jay is if you have been in the scene for awhile, and his infamous orange s13 from back in the day), but this rocks pretty hard too.


Enjoy :D

Edit: Also, for viewing pleasure, note the huge amount of smoke issuing from his front tires when he counters... Looks pretty sweet, don't usually see that happen too much, even in AWD cars. Of course, I havn't seen many AWD cars with as much power as his SEEMS to have.
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gezze man that thing is something fucking ferice.. wow... i want it. i wounder if its got that 5 cyclinder in it?? oh well
Yea I found this thread about a year ago when I still had my eclipse GSX and wanted to drift it.
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