
Announcing the Official launch of



Stay tuned for the latest news, photos, vids, and event results from Team Aero-K as they begin the 2008 season.

Photo gallery will be coming soon, as well as news, updates, and pis/vids from NV as soon as Raffi gets them to me.

Any suggestions, comments, concerns, or site problems, please let me know ASAP.

note: site works best in 1024x768 resolution or better.
flash interaction, something needs to be added to the profiles section, it just looks plain to me. I also think that the homepage you need to scroll down too much to get to the actual info, maybe do something with the aero K banner under the menu bar.. other than that its a great job
dan said:
flash interaction, something needs to be added to the profiles section, it just looks plain to me. I also think that the homepage you need to scroll down too much to get to the actual info, maybe do something with the aero K banner under the menu bar.. other than that its a great job

well, once they get back from NV, I'll be making a new flash intro for the site, but I am looking for new scripts and stuff to make the site a lil more exciting.

slidewayz240sx said:
That picture is sick as fuck...

thanx :D
I think someone needs to do a little editing. Its not bad, but there are quite a few grammatical errors. It could send the wrong idea to some one....
In the into paragraph on the main page: "Our Drift Team...are trying to receive Pro Licsenses"

The flow in some of the profiles is a little off, its hard to explain. Its not hard to read, just doesn't flow.

"licsense" is spelled license, although it is consistently spelled that way so its not as noticeable.

"...he trailed his 240sx..." -Raffi's Profile

Shant's profile switches from third person to first person
also: "the style of the sport looked extraordinary than other motorsports."
should be: the style of the sport looked 'more' extraordinary than other motorsports.
or rephrase entirely...
"Ive gain the skill" --->I've gained the skill
"im ready"----> I'm ready

Then I quit reading......but these are some examples...
thanks for the kind words guys. I will be fixing the bugs this week, as i was kind of anxious to get it launched before mid-week. keep the suggestions coming!
update: made a few moves on the site. Edited some text, fixing it as I go, but most of the bad grammer is gone (i hope!). Also updated video page w/ Raffi's interview from NOPI Miami.

PHOTO GALLERY UP! You can rate, and leave comments on pics as well if you'd like! Please let me know wat you think of the color scheme for the gallery.

Driver/car photo shoot shots coming soon.
update 12/1: new write-ups for the pro-am, and for the homestead drift demo. also added a new "models" page and will be adding their pics as i receive them. also will be updating intro page with new flash intro...should be up soon. check it out and let me know!
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