Not a member here I think but be aware of Charles Marraca

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Not a member here I think but be aware of Charles Marranca

This guy sold me his crashed s14 I had offered him a price for what I think is a fair price due to the damages. The radiator support was broken and you could clearly see that the radiator was broken. He insisted that the radiator was not damaged and demanded more money for the car. I asked him if he was sure.

I have no way of lifting the car that was parked on the drive way to inspect the car form the bottom. He insisted that he inspected the car and assured me that the radiator was: quote "Un touched" So because I doubt with this person before and I sold him some parts in the past I believed him. I went to his house to seal the deal and met his parent’s good people (so I thought). Then singed the paper work and asked him again if he was sure the radiator was fine, He quickly replied “Yeah I told you I checked it and it's not damaged or leaking".

So I tow the car to my shop and get to find lout the KOYO radiator that was on the car was smashed by the altima fan motor. So I quickly call this guy and tell him about the radiator he simply says, "Hey you bought the car "AS IS ". It was my fault for not put in writing about in the case that the radiator was broken to give the extra money I paid for the so called intact radiator.

I have about a 30 minute argument with this guys who I thought I could trust. Then I decided to speak to his father who I would have thought could have been more understanding and serious about this issue. (WRONG). His father has the same excuse as the son did. Even better I was surprise about how the father was more of a dick than the son. I can't believe how people put up a front just to make you sign a legal document and then screw you over because they are low lives. I can tell you how screwed over I felt when talking to the parents of this kid and telling that "Hey "AS IS" you singed a legal document you can't do anything to me or my son".

So hey I can't do anything legally so then I rather let the entire SFLdrifters community to with out for this guys and his family. Nothing but a rip off and scam artist. I will never sell to this kid and deal with him. He destroyed every part of trust I had for someone when it comes to making a purchase of any kind.

I hope if you know him. Let him know that to people like him bad things will happen. Karma will get you and believe me it comes around faster than you think. It is a lesson for me to learn not to deal with minors nor for other to deal with this scammer I hope no one goes through this and be very careful on what you signed. IT CAN BE YOUR BEST FRIEND SELLING THE ITEM. Just double check everything before you singed any legal document.

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damn that sucks moe that kid should be shot in the knee caps, force him to stand up strait then get his throat slashed. :mad:
What about the Florida Lemon Law.

Isn't there a law that gives a purchaser of car 24 hours to inspect a car, if the car ends up being a "lemon", the purchaser has the right to demand his money back.

This happened to a friend of mine, he sold a car to a guy that didn't really want to buy it because of some title issues. The next day (less than 24 hours later) the guy showed up back at his doorstep demanding his money back. My friend denied, the guy then calls the police but luckily for my friend the guy just decided to keep the car. Later, the officer mentioned to my friend that the guy could have requested his money back, but it was clear that his fears were of the title and not of the car itself (car wasn't a lemon).

I think you had a legal position in this matter Moe, you could have easily fucked them over if you would have shown up in front of their house with authorities.
Never knew that ... UMMM

Maybe we should have a sticky about laws that are available to you when it come to car purchases. It will help educate people on how not only "how to our purchase a vehicle" but also "laws that protect you if you get scamed"

What do you think about this idea?? Can you help?
From what I know.... which may not be much... LOL LOL
Lemon laws only apply to a new car purchase NOT a used car. It is used when a car has a mechanical defect that can't be repaired after the 3rd try.
Also, I have heard that in the state of Florida, anyone purchasing a used car has 3 days to return it without question. Again... I have heard... don't know how true it is..

Lemon Law covers new vehicles or used vehicles with a written warranty as far as I understand.

"Florida's Lemon Law applies to NEW or demonstrator vehicles sold or long-term leased in the state of Florida. When consumers buy or lease a new or demonstrator motor vehicle, they must receive from the selling dealer or lessor the "Consumer Guide to the Florida Lemon Law." This publication explains consumer rights, gives steps to follow to resolve problems, contains a toll-free number for the Lemon Law Hotline and a form the consumer can use to notify the manufacturer of chronic defects and time out of service for repair.

To obtain a "Consumer Guide to the Florida Lemon Law," or speak with someone about the Lemon Law, consumers in Florida may call the Lemon Law Hotline at 1-800-321-5366, or 1-850-488-2221 for consumers outside Florida. This phone line should be answered between the hours of 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., Eastern time."

Call the number maybe they can guide you a little better. Depending on how much you paid it might be worth it to take them to court. I'm sorry to hear some bad joo joo happening to you again Moe. This just ain't your month homie, but I hope it gets better.
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MOE! stop being so damn nice! someday ill rip you off for some chocolate chip cookies. watch out! (lol jk)

From what I know.... which may not be much... LOL LOL
Lemon laws only apply to a new car purchase NOT a used car. It is used when a car has a mechanical defect that can't be repaired after the 3rd try.
Also, I have heard that in the state of Florida, anyone purchasing a used car has 3 days to return it without question. Again... I have heard... don't know how true it is..


3 days. or 72 hours since time of purchase. from a dealership though. idk about private sellers
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I dealt with this guy before Anna. That's like dealing with somone ou allready sold so many things to them and they end up screwing you over :(
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