NISMO Motor Mounts......THUMBS UP !


I was installing my mounts of DOOM last night, Then decided to be a FUCKING DUMBASS !......and stick my thumb were it didnt belong, between the car and the motor mount....and TADA !

Enjoy! :bigthumbu



Me being a Baby Back BITCH !


The only Shitty part is that im not going to grow back my nail ......whatever! :lame:
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lmao, the expression on your face in the last picture is pricless. its also funny how your friends taking pictures of you when your in aginising(sp) pain
thumb crushing ftw! i cut the top of my thump by holding an electric radator fan in my hand while touching the wires to the battery to see which way it spun. not the best idea in the box. hope ya heal up alright.
dam on the first pic i thought your finger was gone...

crispy delicious...that missing nail will be a great conversation starter for years to come
ive tried gloves....but they always break, and you sweat so much while wearing them.

i just wash my hands when they get too dirty, then keep doing so.
bro you got lucky there. you could've lost a lot more and forget about the nail, you can buy those at CVS :bigthumbu hope you recover soon!
Dude, look at it this way.. One less nail to cut, FUCK IT! awesome pics though, hope you're better now :bigthumbu
I lost a nail once. Lucky for me, it grew back. The worst part was having it cleaned. The Dr. at the ER was not a believer in anti-bacterial sprays and ointments so he decided that warm water, soap, gauze, and extensive scrubbing would be better. It hurt so bad that I almost shit my pants, literally. :(
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